marlborough scum

Sep 30, 2004 17:29

OMFG, I JUST TYPED A GOOD FEW PAGES OF A4 ON HERE RANTING ON AND ON, AND ERGH IT DELETED IT ALL OMG 'ARGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!' right im starting again first with my rant from about the marlboroughs ok so skip this paragraph if u dont want 2 here about this scum of the earth.

ok, these marlborough kids right ill go thru a few points of what theyve done before:
- running around on the railway tracks yeah fine i dont care but if u get trapped you might die *bothered* but hello ill get home late!! think of others.
- swearing and saying fuck inbetween every other words and screaming 'FUCCCCKKKK YOUUUU!!!!' all the way down the railway platform.
- making girls from other schools cry by putting flour all over them, they put flour all over each other the platform and the seats.
- spitting everywhere and I mean everywhere they cant walk a metre without spitting its ridiculous and so totally disgusting and they spit near me 2 im like ergh get lost.
- throwing water over other people e.g. my mates sara and becca.
- throwing random crap on the railway lines.
- jumping all over the carriages and seats and all around me… ergh!! GO AWAY!!
- and today, they had floured the whole the place and have the cheek to come up to me and go ‘do you have a fag’ im like im not giving it to you fucking cunts.

So yeah I might be harsh and totally dob them in 2 their headmistress but I don’t think im that unfair so yeah we’ll see how it goes.

Anyway English was hell boring wont write about that errrrr.. Geography even more so, saw jake though when I was going to geography I didn’t say hi though cuz he probably totally doesn’t know me. But he did have a very kewl hat on!! Yeah train ukno what happened there *deep sigh* so that’s bout it, talk 2 u later mayb guys.
final though: if i killed all the marlboroughs how long wud i go down 4??

p.s. sorry its so short i wrote a huge thing but cant bbotherd 2 write it out again after it got deleted.
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