Sep 10, 2004 17:27
hey again, im not bad today am sitting in front of a giant of poster of busted... i actually think matt is sooo minging in this pic ergh, but charlie is hot ;) pretty uneventful day really except on the train there is this really HOT guy omg im gonna hv 2 tlk 2 him cuz i see him everyday now, i think im gonna hv 2 get the train ALL the time now cuz hes sooo hot im gonna hv 2 get a fone number or sumthin!! got the new DVD thing 2day ahhhh harry is fit... am goin babysitting 2nite 4 3 really sweet little boys i normally watch finding nemo with them wenever i go round but ive got soooo much work 2 do i think im gonna hv 2 read persuasion instead *rolls eyes* ah well im not complaining about life at the moment this guy i got to kno from MSN chat called ian who i was a close friend to for a while has died apprently he was only 17, but i dont kno the full story will have to get charlie to fone his friend or sumthin... its so bad.. anyway on a happier note its friday it means ive got 2 days 2 do what i want and go crazy before being sent back to skool and stags *shudders* which reminds me i should talk 2 chris 2night... i mite txt him. OMG i am so totally stoked atm my friend jenny is having a themed party and im HARRY!! ahhh i cant w8 i have to dress up as him and everythin so i went into marks and spencers and saw if they had his boxers today which they do!! even though i got the wierdest looks in the world!!! lmao. omg, u shud see on the DVD harry calls every1 dude just like me and he always says awesome... which is well awesome. phwoar hes sooooo fit.. ah well id better get ready for babysitting bye bye xx
thought for now: can ant get any more excited in blood. sweat and tears??