Jan 24, 2004 01:17
Haha, anyway some guy called me today... And nobody ever calls me (well, people that want something from me call) so that in itself is newsworthy, but anyway, my mom answered and said he was from my school. Well I took the day off of work, so I figured maybe they needed my expert advice around there because something blew up or another, but it was some guy from the alumni society asking if I would donate to the scholarship fund. I explain to him that I'm currently basically unemployed (I work like 20 hours a week at school), and he sounds suprised like "You graduated in 2001 and you don't have a job!", and basically this is the case, which seems funny to me that I'd actually care to promote paying for people to go to school, so they can end up employed in the worst job market of all time, while Bush goes and plans to spend $1.5 billion to get people married, anyway, that was off tangent...
So he says, well could you give $250 to the scholarship fund. And well I forgot to mention that I was playing Warcraft at the time, so I was trying to pay some attention to him while stopping a rush on my base (A game which ended up losing horribly)... And my jaw should have dropped but I wasn't paying enough attention to him for it to drop, and I was explaining well that I'm still a poor student myself And maybe contact me later... And he said he'd send some info in the mail and I could give 'whatever I feel is available' and it was 'good because it makes the school look better if alumni contribute.' ... Hmm it all sounds like a awesome idea if I had a job, I'd be donating massive cash back to my school. I still have massive cash I owe to the government that pays for the school, but I've read that if I die thats all forgiven, so I'll just have to keep going part time for the rest of my life and I'll be off free and clear! I think I'd get to the point where I'd rather just die than take more classes though, so it kinda all works out somehow.
Anyway, I just thought it was funny I guess. Then I spent the rest of the evening watching the Pistons get robbed bad in the basketball game and dreaming about how I want to be on the beach of a tropical island right now typing this as I stare off into the ocean... Ahh, I haven't looked outside since 2PM when I got my licence renewed, but I've heard horror stores, and saw people crashed into everything on the news. I remember a time I used to like winter, I think I only like it when I can sleep through it, like tomorrow, yea!!
And I've had this headache for the past few days, but my other problems are feeling better, I hate headaches.