Aug 03, 2008 19:41
I’m sitting here at home waiting for my luggage to be delivered four days late. Can you say totally pissed off? I knew you could. They had to change our flight since ours was so delayed it would not make its connection. Well, needles to say our baggage didn’t get transferred. So it went to Dallas while we landed in San Francisco. They promised to deliver it to may sister’s where we were staying the night. Only one of the two showed up. The other one wouldn’t get there for another day, so they said they’d deliver it to our house. For the last two days it has supposed to be delivered in about 3 hours. I should have just driven sown to Sac and picked it up because I’m starting to think it might never show up.
I can’t believe it’s been nearly a month since I posted. I’ve been visiting relatives in the Midwest. Iowa to be more specific and none of my relatives. Can’t say that I’ve done much related to writing but I would love to take some of the stories my grandpa has told and write them down. It’s almost as if I didn’t know the man until I was an adult, patient enough to sit awhile and listen. Wow! What a wealth of experiences. He was raised in the great depression. He and his brothers were pretty wild. I’d lock my son up if he tired half the stuff they did. He served aboard an aircraft carrier during World War II. He farmed for many years and saw his share of tornados. Now at 92 years old he volunteers at the senior center, serving meal and acting as its handyman. He’s a character that could liven up any story.
This might be a bit painful for me, but I’m going to be honest and run through my goals.
Write or rewrite at least two chapters of my book each week -Only wrote one chapter in three weeks. And since I’ll be going back to work in two weeks I don’t know how I’m going to make it up. I think I’ll just try to keep up from now on.
Have manuscript ready to be critiqued by end of November. -I’ll make it one way or another.
Create new story every odd month.-I couldn’t get my head out of reality long enough to create. Instead I wrote two non-fiction articles. Does that count?
Read one science fiction book per month.-Ugh! I’m forcing myself to finish Iron Council. I’m only halfway done. I’ve always heard that China Mieville is an awesome writer. Perhaps I chose his one and only stinker. Or perhaps it will get better and the end will justify the pain of reading the first part. Have other people read this particular book? What did they think? Can anyone recommend one of his other books maybe?
Enter Writers of the Future Contest each quarter.-I suppose I’ll have to start thinking about this one soon. I entered June 30th but I’m not holding my breath. I’m thinking about revising the short story adaptation to my first novel which never sold.
Submit one story to a magazine or contest each month. --Oh man! If I get it in the mail by the 5th can it count for July? I think better late than never. Right?
Get involved with editing a Science Fiction related magazine. --I did read some slush while on this trip. What is up with stories that are fantastic for the first half and then completely let me down. The endings of a few have really made no sense. The last half of other stories are just so poorly written compared to the beginning I have to wonder if the ending didn’t get the same time and attention. Perhaps there a lesson here I can apply to my own writing.
Set aside two hours a week for researching possible markets and writing cover letters.-Nope. Just didn’t happen. I failed. But that only means I’ll have to make sure to take the time this coming week no matter what is going on.