Mar 27, 2007 22:29
So, I'm currently working on my take-home essay test for Religious Elements in the Holocaust that was given to us last Weds and is due tomorrow. I spent the entire weekend playing the Oblivion game that was talked about in my last post. Yay for procrastination, eh?
Anyway, I wouldn't really be having trouble with this test, since I understand the material and most of it seems pretty straight-forward. Except that the first question, worth 60%, requires us to write a narrative of a scene where we (the individual student) are magically able to have dinner with three Holocaust theologians. We have to illustrate their views through dialogue. At first, I thought this sounded super ultra fun. Why not? I love writing stories! Yay stories! But after I sat down to actually start writing it, I realized a few problems... First of all, the question specifically states that we are having Friday Sabbath dinner with them. So, since I was not raised in a Jewish household, nor have I been thouroughly educated on Jewish customs down to what food is typically served when, I had to do some extra research on what is traditionally served at such a meal. Hey, I'm a stickler for authenticity. Which brings me to my biggest problem: I have no fucking clue how to characterize these guys. I mean, these men are different from characters existing inside my head. They're real! And I have issues about turning real people into characters for fictional stories. Just doesn't sit right with me. But I'm trying.
Anyway... Some good news as far as tests: I made a B on my latest Buddhism test. Woo! Would have made an A, but I wasn't clear enough in what I was saying in the last essay portion of it, so I lost a few precious points there. Poo. The rest of the questions I scored very well on, though. ^_^