and if you say this makes you happy, then im not the only one lying

May 07, 2005 17:07

alright so i took this idea from Rachelle. lately, some things about some of my friends have been pissing me off. i'm gonna say right now if you don't feel like listening to me complain, then don't read this entry. and don't comment saying you don't have a right to tell these people what to do and not do. because this is my livejournal and i'm wirting about what i want to happen even though i know most of it will not. so all im saying is don't read this if you know you will get pissed at me for complaining, and don't leave rediculous comments because it's my livejournal, and i write in it what i want to write in it. i would make this a friends only entry but maybe if some of the people that are not on my friends list read this, they will start to realize how stupid they are being and change. maybe they won't. whatever.

why do you feel like you know certain people better than i do? you clearly dont, because i have known them longer, and have been through a lot more with them than you (ever will) have. i dont like it when you compare people. especially when it is one who is a screw up and already knows they are going no where with their life to someone who is a modified athlete. just stop because no one wants to hear about how shitty their life is, and i dont think they would appreciate you telling people. i think you need to act more like your age, and stop doing some things just because your close friends do them. and next time you do something stupid, at least pretend you dont want people knowing you did it.

you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself. stop acting like you are the only person who has ever been, and will ever be depressed. just because people dont always give you what you want from them doesnt mean it will affect the rest of your life. and just because you have been rejected before does not mean you have to sit and yell at people and tell them you are used to getting turned down, because there was a period of time where you were going around doing whatever with whoever, and it was rediculous. i can understand how you can be mad at some people sometimes, but dont take it out on different people. and just because the person you are not over, is over you does not mean you have to randomly flip out on them often. just because they have moved on and continued to have a life does not mean they dont care about you. they very much so want your friendship, but they're not gonna break their back to get it. if you want to be stubborn when they says she does not want anything more than a friendship from you, then soon you're not even going to have that with them.

why do you feel you need to ditch certain people for people you were never friends with? we were best friends more that half our lives and now we barely talk. and when we do, its not real because i cant say something without you interupting with some crap trying to top mine. why cant you just go back to the person you used to be? i cant even carry on a conversation with you anymore. you have been hanging out with some people who i think have changed your views on things. i know its not my right to tell you what to do, but frankly, i think you have made some stupid decisions this year, and i wish you could take them back.

why are you doing things now that you said you never would? i just dont get how you could get mad at some people for doing things and you are now doing the same exact things. i know some of the things you have done are not to the same extreme as the others were, but they are still very similar. i guess i just dont like how you were the one person who could usually stick up for herself pretty well, but now you are just constantly giving into people, and giving up on something you once truly cared about. i guess it just seems like you were not like this until you started hanging out with an old friend.

i appreciate how much you care for me, but why do you feel like you have to look out for me more than i do myself? i am not a serious person, and do not follow through on something if i feel there is no point. i dont like how you try and change my opinions about certain things, because i dont give into people easily, and am very rarely open to other people's opnions. and when i tell you this, you get mad at me, and dont talk to me for soemtimes, long periods of time. and i know thinking for yourself is a good thing, but sometimes you need to accept what other people think, rather than just always ignoring them, and shutting them out.

if you say you dont want people feeling sorry for you, then why are you always drawing attention to all your problems? if you are having issues, then im sorry, but you dont need to make it public knowledge. and if you dont want a bad reputation, do something about it, rather than sit back and try to get people to feel sorry for you. and if you wanna avoid a bad rep, stop doing the things you are doing, or at least be smart about them, and dont tell the wrong people what you are doing.

i really do not like how two-faced you are. if you are mad at someone then act like it. do not let them walk all over you, and take advantage of how forgiving you are. i really dont like how you tell people how much you hate someone, but the next minute you are with them, you act like nothing is wrong. and i dont like it how when your best friends ditch you and whatnot, you tell your problems to people who offer help, and the minute you and your friends are okay, you drop those people like they didnt even offer to help. and dont make up stories about how you told someone off, because we all know they're not true, because your not like that.

were not really close friends but i have a lot to say about you. i dont like the fact that you treat your best friend like shit. she has done so much for you.. and stuck up for you countless times.. is that not enough for you? you make her feel like she constantly has to impress you, and be on top.. why? is that how you have to be to be friends with you? and why do you feel you have to lie about the smallest, stupidest things? do you really think people dont see through you? or see how far fetched your stories are? if you tell someone something, and they think your lying, obviously theyre gonna ask around to see if it happened! one day you are gonna be caught lying about the stupidest thing, and you are gonna be humiliated.. why do you feel like you have to lie about something so stupid? does it make you feel better about yourself? do you think it makes the other person jealous? it may, but does it give you a good feeling? well if it does, than that is the exact reason why we are not close.. because that is low and stupid, and i do not have a very high tolerance for stupid people.

why is it that whenever someone is with someone that makes them happy, you feel the need to tell them the bad things about them? i can see how you are looking out for them i guess? but tell them in a way that sounds sincere rather than a way that sounds like you know everything, and dont want them to be happy. and if you have been with them before, why do you tell the person with them currently what you did with them? i doubt they want to hear it.. but if they do then only tell them what they ask for, nothing more.

why are you constantly with several different people? why cant you just be committed to one person when you tell them you feel something for them? if you like them, then why do you go and fool around with other people? i can understand how you like more than one person at once, and if that happens, then go with the person you would rather be with. and dont lie about really small things to try and make yourself look good. because if they find out you are lying, its gonna make them think less of you, and you are just gonna look stupid. i know because you have done this to me before, and now i question the smallest things you say, and am constantly wondering who you are with, and what you are doing. i guess i have just lost trust for you because every stupid thing you do, there is an excuse that does not even sound anywhere close to the truth. and how come you can get mad at people for doing something stupid, but when you go and do the same thing, people cant get mad at you without you over-reacting and not listening to anything they have to say? you are the most stubborn person i know, and i am not the only one who has noticed it.

oh p.s. don't ask me if any of these are about you. because i'm not going to tell anyone who any of them are about. plus, that would be all you wanted to know; if it was about you, not what you could do to help. if one of these sounds like you, then maybe you should change, and realize what your doing to make me mad.
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