Oct 18, 2007 11:59
so yesterday i take a little break from working on drawings and paintings cause I could count the hours I had a pen in my hand, on two hands.. so I go to the little place I like for A drink but little by little my crush on the bartender gets bigger and bigger and then before I know it, its two am and I've had 4 white russians in big cups and Im not quite ready to end the party so with my new friends in tow (oh yes, I made ridiculously sweet friends, i like them :D ) we go to the Rockstore which is the most disgusting place ever basically because its the only place open till 4am and everyone there is like a booze and coke zombie, the guys are skeezes and weird, some are too mean and some are waaaay too nice... we just sort of looked around all confused and someone started to talk to me but in my head it was basically all *boomboomboom* but i could HEAR myself answering this dork in a really bad leather jacket.. at about 3 we ran out (me and new friends whose names I cannot remember and the green writing on my arm is too mmmuch for me to decipher at the moment;;) and so we play cards on the sidewalk and somehow we each end up in our own homes..
i have am onster hangover
I realized that everytime Im drunk and by computer I send this one old friend who shall not be named, emails which fills me with dread everytime everytime I see that, because I really really have a thing for him ((lately its him and the cute bartender)) but when I re read them its not too embarassing.. I really need to stop doing that.
my hair looks like shit.
Im gonna take a bath.