Oct 23, 2006 20:34
i actually had a fun time at my clinical site today.
i went to animal clinic northview. theres a doctor there that is the top repro guy in the country and i was talking to him about my aspiring vet career. he agrees i should go for it since i well understood the procedures he did and asked really good questions to what he does.
there was another dr who let me assist in the first endoscopic transuterine biopsy. i got to work the forceps and grabbed some really good samples to be sent out :-) there was also a potential FIP cat there, but that disease is pretty hard to diagnose since it didnt show absolute clinical signs an the coronavirus is usually a mutated for which is kinda hard to pin. plus etiology is very difficult so who knows if it is caused by coronavirus.
there was a dog there for surgery that i wasnt able to see since it was time to go and it was gonna be a loooooong surgery. the dog was a purebred standard poodle, 10 mos, that had 3 testicles, i ovary, and a urethra that didnt come out the end of the penis but underneath it in the sheath. he was gonna remove the testicles and ovaries, amputate the penis, and rerouthe the urethra to a surgically created vagina. you dont see that shit everyday.
so i think i know one of the places id like to intern at. and i get to go back next week so hopefully ill see alot more cool shit. yayz for me!!!!