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Sep 09, 2008 19:19

From the archives: Local reaction to students
Reprinted from the Bradenton Herald of May 26, 1965


At a recent meeting a group of so-called students from New College were in the audience. It was a shocking sight.
The contrast between these misfits and the neat, clean-cut young men and women at Manatee Junior College (now MCC) was striking. This gang looked like they had been imported from some far out beatnik joint in Greenwich Village.
Those slovenly-dressed, stringy-haired, pipe-puffing girls were a travesty on decent American womanhood. And if their seedy-looking, bewhiskered and moth-eaten companions call themselves men it is a slap in the face of every male among us.
They had the unmitigated gall to laugh derisively while reading a great patriotic speech by Justice Millard Caldwell of the Florida Supreme Court. This speech had been printed in the Bradenton Herald by Mr. Robert Beall, one of Manatee County's most patriotic businessmen. Reprints were passed out at this meeting.
It was from New College that three students hitch-hiked to Alabama to participate in the recent civil rights disorder and got themselves thrown in jail for refusing to get up out of the street when ordered by a police officer.
Upon being released they came back to New College and bragged about how proud they were to be "jailbirds." Apparently they have not been expelled for their actions.
If that motley crowd represented the future leaders of our nation, may God hold up, for America is worse off, by far, than I ever imagined.
If these "students" represent the best New College can attract, then I, for one, suggest that Manatee and Sarasota Counties would be better off if the whole kit and caboodle were loaded onto an appropriate vehicle, in this case a garbage scow, and hauled to the middle of the Gulf of Mexico and sunk.

Ralph H. Morgan
2115 29th Ave. Dr., W.
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