Sakura - Third Dream

Mar 14, 2009 02:10

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For a man of his considerable size, the dictator was certainly quick. Sakura barely had enough time to notice that his fist was glowing with purple energy before it came around - she moved to block, but she was too slow, and his fist connected with her stomach - she cried out in pain as little convulsions ran up and down her body, doubling over ... and then his leg came up and around in a hook kick, catching her on the side of the face as she was stunned. Sakura's world exploded in light as the blow connected, and she felt herself flying across the room to skid to a painful halt.

There was blood in her mouth. She could taste it, spitting it out onto the floor as she pushed herself to her hands and knees. She was shaking, but she willed herself to stand... the man was standing across the room, looking at her with that wicked grin on his face - Sakura's eyes flicked over to the motionless blonde man in red lying on the floor. If... if Ken hadn't been able to face the man, what chance did she have?

No! I can't think like that... I just have to delay him until Ryu gets here!

If she ran away ... if he beat her, then he would certainly kill the unconscious Ken. So she couldn't let that happen. Sakura coughed again, finding the strength somehow to get into a fighting position. Before she could react, though, the dictator was already moving - no, flying - towards her, and his booted foot caught her directly on the shoulder. Sakura could feel something snap, and a burning pain shot up through her entire arm - but there was no time to dwell on that, as his fist came around to knock her on the side of the head, sending her reeling and once again tumbling to the ground.

It hurt so badly she wanted to scream, and for a moment Sakura was certain that she was going to die - he was going to kill her. But though her arm wouldn't support her weight, she somehow still found the energy to stand up again, to climb wearily to her feet.

"Are you so eager to die, child?" The man laughed in his booming, hateful laugh. "Fine, then. Let me give you a ... present." He began to walk over to her.

Sakura barely had enough energy to stand, let alone move - or fight. But even so, she found herself walking towards him, trying to build up the speed that would compensate for a weakened blow... it was futile, but she still had to try, didn't she? The man reached into the dark depths of his cloak, and for a moment she wondered if he was simply going to pull out a weapon and finish the job - there was a spark of purple fire, and she closed her eyes reflexively, knowing that she was going to die.

Nothing happened - Sakura opened her eyes slowly, one at a time, to see the evil dictator holding his hand out to her - a birthday cake in his massive palm, as he lit the 17 candles with violet fire from his fingertips. He chuckled again, his booming voice echoing through the room.

"Happy Birthday, Sakura!"


W-what...? Mnng. What a ... geez, why would Bison...?

*Rolls over in bed, sighing* Oh yeah. ...Kei said she'd had plans for us, didn't she? Huh. That sucks. *Sakura turns back over, closing her eyes and trying to get to sleep*

kei, happy birthday, bison, dream, sakura

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