Dieting 2014

May 13, 2014 20:51

Since May 1st I started dieting and exercising. I downloaded an app called Lose It! I cut my calories down by a lot. Least I think so anyway! I wasn't tracking calories before I got the app. I am tired of eating a whole meal, then being hungry for a second meal and eating it, then snacking afterwards! I wasn't feeling full... So bad.

I weighed in at about 160lbs May 1st. The heaviest I've ever been my whole life! My normal weight is 130. So, I just want to get back down to how I used to be. And fit into all my clothes!
What I'd really love is to be down to 120. I remember in HS I was at about 115. I did not look attractive that thin. I looked like a pre-teen boy. So having some curves would be ideal.

Dieting and exercise was not really working out for me. I managed to lose 5lbs in 5 days. But my weight stayed at 155 that for 2 weeks. I know losing weight doesn't happen over night. But I want to see results fast. So I've decided to try the master cleanse diet. I just completed Day 1 today. I guess I'll be recording my progress, physical, and emotional state here. So far I feel really sluggish. Not hungry at all. I've only made 3 cups of the lemonade so far. I may have one more before I sleep and then a laxative tea as well. Wish me luck, no one that reads this!
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