Okay... I am reaching out to all Green Day Fans out there! If you love Green Day I want to know about it. I am compiling a zine titled: Green Day Love Stories and it is to consist of stories from Green Day fans. I want to know that following:
*When did you discover Green Day?
*How were you introduced to the music of Green Day?
*Why do you love Green Day?
*What does Green Day mean to you?
*What is your favorite Green Day song?
*Do you have a favorite Green Day memory?
*How many Green Day concerts have you been to and where were they?
*Have you had he pleasure of meeting any Green Day band members?
The idea of this zine is to compile love stories of the fans and to essentially say THANK YOU to the band Green Day.
All participants will receive a complimentary coopy of the finished zine.
The final product will be sent to Green Day and their management (hopefully).
So send me yr stories NOW!!!!