"When we wake up in the morning, we can choose to either "plug in'' to the creative source or "plug in" to a chaotic force. If you don't consciously choose this, then you will be drawn into chaos before lunch and you'll have no idea how you got there. Energy follows intention. I wake up, I take the ten minutes it takes - in the shower, putting on makeup, before I go out- to set my intentions, what I will and won't accept energy-wise. There is not one way that is the right way to do this. But if you are aligned with a creative source, then it's very hard to seduce you into destructive conversations, arguments, and reactions. Once you step into that, the unraveling begins. By the time you come home you wonder how in the world you circuits could be so fried in less than 24 hours." - Tori Amos, in Cherry Bomb, 2008.