Much love to
ash48 for this fantastic post about gender bias in SPN.
Absolutely! It's a show about how men interact - socially, sexually and culture-wise..WITH OTHER MEN. It doesn't render females irrelevant - it's just outside of the scope of the discourse. I don't remember anyone describing, say, Sex & The City as misandric; it was just generally accepted as a text about female friendship(s.)And while I'm not going to be specific, I really don't enjoy the inclusion of female characters on the show. It's superfluous, because the real pleasure in SPN is the oh-so-careful handling of male friendship and paternal/fraternal bonds (be they by blood or by choice.) I love the way the writers have to tread on eggshells, balancing what the fans see and what they're actually allowed to explicitly show and gently imply. We've gradually seen the phasing out of female love interests over the last two seasons (with the exception of Lisa - who, again, who very deliberately removed by the finale of Season Six. And without dying or anything!)Surely amongst all the heteronormative genre shows, we can have one about men and what masculinity means in the 21st century. I consider myself an old-school, riot grrl feminist (not sure whether that's still a meaningful label, a whole other topic) and Supernatural does not set off any 'this is sexist' alarms (well, no serious ones.) Thanks for your research - love me some pie..charts. Ouch.