i think i know my geography pretty damn well

Jan 09, 2006 01:03

i was lying on my back with shirt soaked to skin staring at the darkened sky, waiting for a shooting star or just a satellite to wish upon, i sought such uneven whims when it occurred to me then that this is no way to recover or replace, i’m just withering away. what i saw as a bird and read as a sign turned to be only an angry wind, i could not withstand. so i hurriedly forced my feet to ground and retreated to the comfort of this dark space, to boar over and blame, her supple soft skin her foreign frank tongue and such passion per square inch, but there are too many variations to consider so i’ll quit this game, i just want to be someone that you know. so i call you up and call you over so i can pretend, i don’t know your mind till you are ready to lay your head down here to confess, till all your tears are gone, but you keep it all in the same closed quarters kept quiet under lock and key, it’s no matter as i’ve plans to be with you. when you climbed into my arms all skin and secrets i whispered words of warmth into your ear, and you smiled; it wasn’t a smile of happiness but a smiling of pleading for restraint, or regret, a smile of undisclosed thoughts, a mouth filled with things it dare not drop. it was then that i thought about being in a theater, just before the show starts when the lights go out, and the curtains slide away, it was always my favorite part, though i couldn’t tell you why, or why i thought of it then. time is wearing thin so tell me here dear in this sharpened dark where your words will dissolve as quickly as you need them to, what’s the word am i your man or do you need to get out of town, i really need to be reassured or shot down, cause i’m thinking she don’t give a shit about me. all i get is static statements that sound so over-rated anyway, we’ve come to see how great is the unexplored, when it goes to no end eyes become sharper to focus on the things we weren’t meant to see, i needed more then this, the possibility of fire. when you left with me left inside stuck on still, i began staring at this bruise believing it will be the last remnant of your reoccurring, as a word crept into my head i was hit with a wave of terror, it is a fearful word, alone.
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