Title: A yearning, A need
riotactCharacter(s)/Pairing: Dean Winchester
Table 06: 365Prompt(s): Yesterday
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Quite obviously not mine, I wish. This is just for fun.
Word Count: 365
Summary: How Dean sees Sam.
I am only 4 years old when Sammy is born, I do not fully understand what that means just yet, I just know that I am excited. I'm going to be a big brother, Dad tells me as he straps me into the Impala. A car I like because it's big and shiny and it makes a great big growling noise every time he starts it up. We glide noisily through the streets of Lawrence, Kansas although at the time I only know it as home.
When we finally pull up to the hospital, I'm practically leaping out of my car seat. I want to see this strange little thing that's been hiding inside my mother for what seems like forever. We have to wait though; I remember this because it feels I've been sleeping for days when I'm finally shaken awake at an unknown time. Sleepy-eyed I stumble into the room where my Mother is, she looks tired and her hair is sticking out at odd angles. She smiles down at me, holding a bundle of blankets and my dad lifts me up to see him.
He is small and fragile looking, his pink little face is serene as he sleeps. 'This is your baby brother. Sam.' my mom tells me, her voice is low and exhausted. I can't do anything but stare at this incredibly breakable thing in her arms. That registers; how delicate he is. I can smell him from where my dad holds me; it's a gentle, sweet smell that I will never forget.
Sam doesn't understand that this is how I see him. When I wake up and go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and I catch a glimpse of his face, I can see that baby in my mother's arms. The first time it happened, I felt a sharp stab in my chest that scared me, the next time it happened I realized what it was. It wasn’t just pain because of our life, it was a yearning, a need to get back to that simple time when Sam was just a baby and I was just a kid and our parents were still alive.