my dad said guys wouldn't date me 'cause i'm lazy

Aug 25, 2010 19:45

which is true.  that and i don't want to deal with another person's baggage.  i've got my own shit to deal with thank you very much.

sure, there's a lot to extol about being in a romantic relationship but for me, i don't want to deal with the whole, i dunno, dance that's involved in being one.  in the past ten years, i've only gone out with, what, three guys and by the end of the second date i was not interested in them.  maybe i'm too picky?  maybe i see myself unsuitable to them?  i dunno.

one of my friends was grilling me, maybe it wasn't his intention, saying that i was scared.  scared?  of what?  being in one?  getting close to another person?  a little bit maybe.  it rankles me when i'm told i'm scared of being in one.  look, i just don't want to be in one and i don't want to write an analysis about my single life.

i'll shyly insert here that i once i date them, i don't find them sexually attractive.  at all.  haha, i tend to jump the gun by the first date, thinking, omg, i'll have to end up sleeping with this guy one day . . . um, no.  maybe that's one reason why i'm still single.  who knows, maybe i'm looking for the perfect o-face instead of their personality.

am i looking for a shallow relationship?  a wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am type?  not really.  it's been tempting to think so but i was taught to be a proper young lady who only sleeps with her husband and so, i'll abide by it.  though once i'm thirty, all bets're off.  i might get called a tramp though.  but in all seriousness, i'd prefer sleeping with my "one true love".

in the end, maybe i just have naive or high expectations in a relationship.  right now, i'm just enjoying the views and life as a single person.  in the end, maybe i'll stay single, have a menagerie of animals as pets and leave my siblings to make a whole bunch of nieces and nephews so i'll spoil them all.  the thought of childbirth scares me.  oh woe, i'll never find out if my child'll have curly hair.  maybe i'll be an egg donor.

i dunno why i typed this out and it doesn't make any sense (talk about going with the flow) but hey, if i get grilled again i'll just lead them to this page.


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