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i'm quite liking the concept of this music video, simple as it is. plus, haha, i like the song too. now i just have to wait for it to be released in mp3 format. oh, and speaking of songs, here are a couple i've got on repeat:
wedding dress by taeyang,
love rain by kim tae woo, and
TTL by t-ara and supernova.
the "03-09 improvement meme" that's been circulating around devart has caught me in it's unforgiving grasp and has
me weeping bittersweet tears. i'm scared to see what 2010 has in store for me artwise.
so over winter break, i really didn't do any drawing. none at all. but i managed to finish playing okami (with a little help from online guides, just a little) and i'm so super late on the love-okami train. i didn't realize that i was halfway through the game until i noticed that the storyline was tying itself up. boo. fighting the bosses were frustrating plus a few of the timed games but in the end, it was a satisfying game.