Jan 05, 2010 19:36
Gonna try to post more on here since I dont post anywhere really. Little Man (Eric) is already 5 mo old. Crazy how fast time is going. Christmas was good. Saw alot of people spent it with good family and friends. Got a crock pot (thanks to amber!) that I am wicked excited about. It makes me feel all grown up. I did an insane amount of crafting this year for chirstmas and i'm still not done yet.
Had an amazing NYE party at Ambers house, it was crazy fun and a lot of fun people to hang out with.
As far as resolutions go I havent really thought of any, the classic get in shape, or rather back in better shape.
Cooking dinner at home now.
The big one i think will be to work on me. Try to stop being so nuerotic and bitter and jelous and angry on the inside. I want my inside to always be as happy as i make my outside seem. Most of the time i am genuinely happy but when i get negative i dwell, then i start letting alot of bad thoughts in my mind and it just gets me down. I need to stop, i need to accept things and let some things go and just realize that shit is what it is and there isnt alot i can do about it.
Im alsogonig to work on doing things in a timley manor and getting them done when i say im going to. not waiting till the last minute.
thats quite a lot to work on in one year but i think i can do it.Little things everyday. Next big step is Erics 1st bday in July. it seems so close already.