You are from Alice in Wonderland. Whimsical, naive,
imaginative, and a little nutty.
Which Psychedelic children's Movie do you belong in? brought to you by
Quizilla Was there any doubt?
I think my favorite line from Independace Day (which is on the tv in the background) is after they give the ship the virus and are planning to attack and the Secretary of Defense guy is going on about how they dont have anyone to fly the alien spaceship and Will Smith says "I've seen one of these things in action and I'm well aware of their manovering capability." The reason I love this line is this...
" I've SEEN these things in action..."
Well I've SEEN a plane fly but that doesn't mean I'm gonig to jump in a cockpit and take it for a quick spin.
You have to love soe of the flimsy movie plots they use to make stuff work.