You know what's sexy? Fingerless gloves.

Jan 21, 2011 00:03


Tom working at Lady Foot Locker! Jerry painting a beautiful landscape! THE SWANSON PYRAMID OF GREATNESS. ANDY. ANDY HAS THE SUMMER CATALOG COVER OF HIM AND APRIL FRAMED AT THE SHOESHINE STAND NEXT TO THE NEWSPAPER CLIPPING OF THE OPOSSUM STORY. ANDYYYYY. I knew April would have a new boyfriend, (nice continuity on it being the Venezuelan dude from "Sister City"), it couldn't be that easy for them to get together, but I know they will eventually. THEY HAVE TO, DAMMIT.

Now for the main stuff! Okay, so I knew from the end of last season that they were angling for Ann/Chris and Leslie/Ben for the new season. And I was fine with that, (though Ann/Leslie is best, of course), but after tonight, I AM SO ON BOARD. I'm also on board with a Chris/Ann/Leslie/Ben foursome, because of course I am. THEY WENT ON A GROUP DATE TO THE BULGE! And Ben called Leslie marrying the gay penguins cute! And Chris was really wonderful, And Anne apologized to Chris for going on the date under false pretenses, without blaming Leslie(!), and he accepted! And now Leslie's going to try and put this fall festival on and it's going to be wonderful. I'M JUST SO HAPPY THIS SHOW IS BACK. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Also back is Community! An interesting episode, for sure. I'm interested to see what happens with Shirley and her ex-husband. I'm hoping for the best because Shirley deserves to be happy, but I'm like Britta and not sure if I completely trust Andre, yet. (I did love his Cosby sweater, though). Also Pierce's everything continues to remind me of my father and it makes it hard for me to watch him objectively. And Troy is still the best.

Other media-type things:
-I watched the US version of Being Human and I really liked it! Josh the werewolf is my favorite, shocker. It helps that he's super cute and, well, a werewolf.
-The new Panic! song has leaked! I like it, I wish it was less heavy on the autotune-ness, but I'm still into it. And I know it's going to happen, but oh boy, I am just dreading all the comparisons to The Young Veins. They sound absolutely nothing alike, it's like comparing The Kinks and ABBA. Two awesome, fun bands that have almost nothing in common.
-I am watching the new Skins on MTV right now and oh my god, what in the fuck is this show? I've heard that the original is like the UK version of Degrassi, but, uh, THIS IS NOTHING LIKE THE CANADIAN TEEN MELODRAMA OF MY HEART. Don't get me wrong, this shit is hilarious, but at least Degrassi has part of itself rooted in reality. The cafeteria is called "Nutbush."

community, parks and rec

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