Oct 19, 2008 06:15
Over the rainbow. So high.
I mentioned that Nick having a Twitter is the greatest thing ever, right? Because really, it is.
Speaking of greatest things ever, Lego Batman really is the greatest game ever. You can play as Nightwing and Batgirl on free play! And Nightwing's hair is amazing. And I just played a level with Scarecrow and the Joker and Scarecrow runs around like a crazy person. Like that's his default run; flailing about. And when he jumps over something or down off a ledge, he explodes into a cloud of straw for a couple seconds. It's amazing. I had to quit, though, because the next level required me to use Killer Moth and he is just so awful to maneuver around. And just awful in general. I mean, Man-Bat is better to use and he's Man-Bat.
I have so much to do this weekend and I can already tell I am barely going to get any of it done. I was doing so well this semester but I have hit the point where I've stopped caring. And I have really horrible timing.