Top 5 Action Movies

May 30, 2007 23:00

Freakin' LJ. I keep getting those damn Database error messages when I make comments. And I am not getting my email notifications on time. FOR THE LOSE LIVEJOURNAL.

Anyway, I have decided to start a new thing in this here journal. I don't know how often I'll do it, but I can imagine it will be around twice a week. What have I concocted in my fandom-rattled brain you ask?

Catt's Top 5

Every so often (aka whenever I feel like it) I will post a Top 5 list of, well, whatever. It might be songs, movies, fanfics, moments, albums, pictures, whatever. A lot of it probably will be fandom *cough*Supernatural*cough* oriented, but definitely not all of it.

I've been thinking about this for a couple days now and I think I'm gonna be able to keep up without it (unlike Project 365 which I failed at miserably) because I love, love, love making lists and I could talk about the shit I like (and dislike for that matter) until the damn cows, pigs, horses and even those goddamn chickens come home.

So, without further ado...

Catt's Top 5 Favorite Action Movies
I have gotten obsessed with action movies at the moment, thanks to all the movie channels DirecTV supplies me with and I love a good action movie, always have.
And for the record, I don't count Sin City or Kill Bill or any kind of superhero movie as an action movie.

5. Miami Vice
Miami Vice is slick, smart and gritty. The plot does not wait for your ass to catch up because Jamie Foxx and Colin Farrel have got drug lords to kill, hot women to fuck, and sweet rides to drive. I've never watched the original 80s show, so I can't make any sort of comparison, but it's just awesome. The final big shootout is especially kickass.

4. Casino Royale
Let the record state that I was never a Bond fan. I've seen probably 5 or 6 Bond films and there was never anything that special about them to me (and don't EVEN get me started on Die Another Day). And with this new blond Bond in Daniel Craig, I wasn't super interested in seeing this movie. Until the reviews came out and everyone was raving. Then vange saw it and proclaimed its awesomeness. Now I was more than intrigued and the two of us went and saw it. And oh man, did it live up to the hype. Not only is Daniel Craig amazing, the first scene that's all done in black and white gave me a visual boner. Then there's the chase scene through the construction site in some random African village that is so unbelievably cool. And you're only 30 minutes in! Bond's a sly bastard with an edge and oh-so-fun to watch. And at the end, after you've both been through hell and back and he points that gun and utters the famous "Bond, James Bond" line, you cannot help but utter a "Fuck yeah" and throw a fist-pump.

3. True Lies
True Lies is first, and foremost, hilarious. Jamie Lee Curtis, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tom Arnold are the main cast (I don't care what you say, Tom Arnold can be one funny son of a bitch) and Curtis' character thinks her husband (Ah-nold) is some boring banker when in fact, well, he's an asskicking government agent. Everything about their interaction is hysterical and there are some awesome action sequences as well as a very young Eliza Dushku. Oh and everything involving Bill Paxton is pure gold.

2. Lethal Weapon 2
I love all the Lethal Weapon movies, but 2 just holds a special place in my heart. Blame it on Joe Pesci. I love buddy-cop movies anyway and there are no better buddies than Murtaugh and Riggs. I love how fucking crazy Riggs (Mel Gibson, naturally) is and when the evil South Africans kill the woman he's seeing (and after admitting they killed his wife years earlier) he goes even more insane. He tells Murtaugh "I'm not a cop tonight," and even though Murtaugh is supposed to be the more responsible one, he nods and they take down all those motherfuckers. And the final scene is just awesome: they're on this boat and Riggs has been shot and he's in Murtaugh's arms and all they do is laugh and Riggs says he's not about to die in his fucking arms and yeah, I love it.

1. Die Hard
I love every Die Hard movie and Die Hard 2 and Die Hard With a Vengeance are undoubtedly 6 and 7 on my list. But the original takes the cake baby. John McClane is shoeless, kinda crazy and running out of cigarettes, but he's the only one with a damn clue as to how to save his wife and the other hostages from Alan Rickman. Well, him and the dad from Family Matters. All he does is kickass. And get his own ass kicked, to be fair. When he's sitting on the bathroom sink and pulling the glass out of his feet, oh man that's hard to watch. But he's John McClane fuckers, he can handle it. He can also handle repelling down a building on a fucking fire hose and making a bomb out of a computer and a piece of dynamite. John McClane is Jack Bauer with an R-rated mouth and an attitude problem and he's coming back this summer to kick some more ass and cuss some assholes out. Yippie-kay-yay motherfucker.

ETA ckll just made my freakin' week!!! I love you hon!!!
*cough* check out dean_sam's current header :D
*feels incredibly special* and the good kind of special, haha

movies, top 5

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