As some of you might remember, a week or so ago, I posted a
Beginner's Guide to Supernatural: Season One. And now, I present to you
So we last left the Winchesters, bloody, unconscious and in the smashed remains of the Impala.
What happened to our boys?
Let's find out. :)
(like in the first part of the Guide, I will go through each episode that has aired so far and point out the highlights and things you need to know)
2x01 In My Time of Dying
-Sam regains consciousness first and we see that the boys were hit by a truck that was driven by a possessed man. The possessed truck driver comes over to the Metallicar and rips the door off. Sam looks up at him, Colt in hand and tells him to get back, or he'll kill him, he swears to god. (it's so awesome, one of my alltime favorite Sam moments). The demons leaves the truck driver and Sam then yells for his dad and his big brother.
-They are all taken to a nearby hospital and Sam is seemingly Ok. John is also, mostly ok. Dean, however, is not ok. Far from it actually. He is in a coma-like state. But, Dean's spirit it up and running around, he's in some sort of limbo.
-Sam looking at his comatose brother is by far, the absolute saddest thing I have ever seen. Ever. But Spirit!Dean talks to Sam and tells him to get some "hoodoo priest to lay some mojo on him". Sam later repeats this phrase to John, unknowingly and I LOVE IT TO ITSY BITSY PIECES
-Sam goes to meet Bobby to have the Impala towed back to his place and John gives him a list of things he needs for protection. The Impala is just a mess and Bobby says it's not worth saving. However, Sammy says they're not just gonna give up on it (it's a not very subtle Dean metaphor and it's sweet). When Sam gives Bobby the list, Bobby realizes these items are not for protection.
-While Sam is gone, Spirit!Dean yells at his Dad and omg so emotional and heart-breaking
-Sam goes back to the hospital and he and John have a big ass fight. The items he wanted were for summoning a demon-The Yellow Eyed Demon. Sam thinks John only cares about killing about the demon, and John is pissed that Sam didn't kill him (what a fucked up family... *holds
them*). This argument gets so heated, Spirit!Dean "Swayze's that mother" aka knocks a glass over.
-Dean starts to crash but Spirit!Dean sees another spirit like thing hovering over his body and forces it away. Again, Sam's face during this scene...if you don't feel emotion, you have no soul. Anyway, after Spirit!Dean gets the thing away from himself (hope that makes sense, haha) he talks to Sam in the hallway. Sam looks at where Spirit!Dean was standing.
-Sam confides in John that he thinks Dean's spirit is around and goes to pick something up.
-After some more investigating of this spirit-like thing, Spirit!Dean realizes that it's not a's a reaper. And it's taking people, when their time is up. And it's after him.
-Sam goes into Dean's room. He's bought a Ouija board so they can talk (Oh Sammy...*pets him*). It works and Spirit!Dean tells Sam that it's a reaper. Sam, however, doesn't give up hope. He goes to his dad's room, but John's gone. He gets his journal though and while Spirit!Dean reads it, he realizes something. Shit I just realized I forgot Tessa, haha. Tessa is another Spirit that Dean has run into in the hospital. But um, that doesn't matter now, because Tessa is actually the reaper's "human" form. Confusing? I hope not, it's not on the show.
-Dean finds Tessa and is pretty pissed. He can't die. Without him, his family will die. Tessa tells him that no, he doesn't have to go with her. But instead, he'll stay in that hospital, for years. He'll become the thing that he hunts
-Meanwhile, John is down in the boiler room summoning the Yellow Eyed Demon. He shows up, has kickass dialogue once again and John says he wants to make a deal. He'll give the demon, the Colt, the bullet, but the demon has to help Dean. The demon says it's not a problem, but John still has to sweeten the pot.
-Dean is about to make the final decision of his life, to die or to stay a spirit...when a cloud of black smoke (the demon) comes out of a vent and possesses Tessa (that's how fucking badass the Demon is. HE CAN POSSESS DEATH). Possessed!Tessa lets Dean know it's his lucky day kid and Dean wakes up.
-Dean's completely healed, but he doesn't feel right about it. Sam doesn't seem to care though, Dean's ok, that's all that matters (OH there was a really heartbreaking scene with Sam and Dean's body earlier and ugh I love this episode). Anyway, John comes in and Sam immediately attacks him for not being around last night. But John looks at him and says "Can we not fight?" and then sends him for coffee. John looks to Dean and tells him that he is so proud of him and he tears up. He also tells him to look out for Sammy. And then he whispers something in his ear, to which Dean gives him an incredulous look.
-John leaves and goes to the counter outside Dean's room. "Okay."
-Sam's walking back to Dean's room and he looks to his right. John is laying on the floor, shot. *cue dramatic dropping of coffee and dramatic, sad music*
-"Time of death 10:41"
*cue me in tears*
(Now THAT'S how you start a season of television) :D
2x02 Everybody Loves a Clown
-Star Wars style, the boys burn John's body.
-Dean's already working on the Impala. But he and Sam aren't exactly getting along. Sam wants Dean to talk about Dad, but Dean is King of Suppressing Emotions and won't do it.
-Sam's hacked one of his dad's old cell phones and there's a call from a woman named Ellen. They decide to check her out. But since the Impala's not fixed, they have to drive a mini-van
-Ellen owns a roadhouse for hunters, hunters like Sam and Dean. She knew their dad, as well. She has a daughter named Jo and the Roadhouse is also home to a mulleted computer genius named Ash. The boys give Ash all the details John had on the demon and while he fixes up his computer to let them know when the signs pop up, Dean and Sam go on a hunt.
-Sam is terrified of clowns (and you guessed it-killer clown this week. But it's not a person, it's a rahksasha, which are creatures that take human form)
-Dean and Sam get into a fight over how they're dealing with dad's death. Sam has this newfound allegiance to John that Dean finds "really interesting".
-After the hunt and going back to Bobby's, Sam goes up to Dean and tells him, that yeah, it is too little, too late. And he feels guilty as hell that the last type of interaction he ever had with John was a fight.
"I'm not alright. But neither are you."
Sam leaves Dean, who grabs a crowbar and beats the living shit out of the Impala's trunk. No, he is definitely not alright.
2x03 Bloodlust
-The Impala's back baby
-The boys run into a hunter named Gordon Walker on a vampire hunt. They save Gordon from a vampire and during it Dean chops the vampire's head off with a chainsaw and does it with such intensity that it freaks Sam out
-Dean starts to look up to Gordon and tells him how he has to be strong in front of Sam
-The vampires kidnap Sam and tell him that they don't kill humans, they drink cow's blood. They let him go
-Sam tells Dean this and he doesn't believe him. They have an argument over how Dean has been acting and Dean punches Sam.
-They know Gordon's gone after the vampires and they follow. They find him while he is torturing one of them with dead man's blood
-Turns out Gordon killed his own sister years ago after she was turned into a vampire. This warps Dean's view of him and once Sam gets the vampire out of harms way, Dean and Gordon get into it. Dean wins and they leave Gordon tied up.
-Dean says during he and Sam's fight that they hunt the supernatural. Sam reminds him that they hunt evil, which sets up a theme for the season.
2x04 Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things
-Sam wants to visit his mother's grave, and Dean is very much against it. At her grave, Sam buries his father's dogtags and Dean doesn't go near it. Instead he finds the grave of a dead girl which is surrounded by dead grass and trees, which means it could be unholy ground.
-Sam thinks Dean is making up this hunt to distract himself from being at mom's grave. Dean does some digging on his own while Sam watches Lesbian Latina porn
-We find out that the girl is in fact supernatural-a zombie brought back by a friend who was in love with her. She starts killing those who wronged her right before she died.
-Dean has gigantic issues, repeating the phrase "What's dead should stay dead" a few times during the whole episode
-While putting the zombie girl back to rest, Sam falls and breaks his hand (really, Jared broke his hand during Bloodlust, but this is where it happens in canon)
-After the hunt, Dean pulls the Impala over and confesses to Sam that his revival in the first episode wasn't natural and he's not okay with it at all
2x05 Simon Said
-Sam has another vision, and after getting some info from Ash, the boys head to Oklahoma to find another 'demon-kid' named Andy Gallagher
-Andy has the power of mind-control (and a SWEET van). Sam thinks he mind controlled the person who died in his vision (and in real life), but Dean has his doubts
-Andy finds Sam and Dean and forces Dean to tell the truth about why they're there, but it doesn't work on Sam. Sam has another vision about someone dying and it comes true, but since they were with Andy when it happened, they realize that it's not him doing it
-They find out Andy has a twin brother, a guy that Andy knows (and that the boys met earlier)
-While confronting Weber (Andy's twin) he tells Andy that a yellow eyed man comes to him in his dreams and told him that he has big plans in store for them. Just when Weber is going to mind-control Dean to shoot himself and mind-control Andy's friend Tracy off of a bridge, Andy shoots and kills Weber.
-The boys leave and go to the Roadhouse where they tell Ellen and Jo about Sam's visions and the demon kids. Sam also tells everyone that while Andy's adoptive mother died in a housefire when he was 6 months old, Weber's did not. Not all the demon kids fit the profile like how we thought
2x06 No Exit
-Jo joins the boys on a hunt of the ghost of H.H. Holmes aka America's first serial killer
-Dean learned to shoot when he was seven
-Ellen flips out when she finds out Jo was hunting. She goes out to get her and once they are all back at the roadhouse (after first encasing Holmes in concrete) Ellen tells Jo that she holds John responsible for her husband's (Jo's father's) death and Jo severs ties with the boys
2x07 The Usual Suspects
-Part of this episode is told in flashbacks, but I'm just gonna tell it chronologically
-The boys are in Maryland investigating a suspicious murder. While they're in the dead man's office, they find a bunch of pieces of paper that say danaschulps over and over again. While Sam is hacking the guy's computer to find any trace of a Dana Schulps, Dean leaves to go question the guy's wife again.
-Karen, the guy's wife, sees a ghost and screams (also, her fax machine prints out paper covered in danaschulps). Next we see her, she is dead, as Dean finds her. However, she had called 911 earlier and the police arrive and believe Dean was responsible for her murder
-The police also arrested Sam after finding out what motel he was staying at.
-At the police station, the boys are split up. A female cop (played by Linda Blair) tries to get Sam to rat out Dean but like Sam's ever going to do that. While the boys are left to "stew in their juices", they both go back to that danaschulps code that's bugging the hell out of them. Simultaneously they realize that it's probably an anagram. Dean writes down some possible words and when his lawyer arrives, he asks if any of them are local places the lawyer tells him that Ash Land is a street. Dean sends the lawyer to Sam with a note.
-While the lawyer is with Sam, Dean tells the cops (Linda Blair and this other guy named Pete, who she is romantically involved with) that he wants to confess. They set up the video camera and everything and he tells them that he thinks happen aka Dean telling them that a spirit killed the husband and wife. It turns out this was all just a distraction for Sam to escape. The note said "Hilts-It's a street, Ash Land -Mcqueen". As Linda Blair points out when they see Sam is gone "Hilts was Steve McQueen's character in The Great Escape."
-Linda Blair sees the dead girl (the same one who visited the dead couple) in the bathroom. She freaks out and goes to Dean to ask him more about what he said earlier. He tells her to go find Sam, he can help her.
-Sam and Linda Blair find out who the woman that's spirit is around is. Her name is Claire and she was a heroin dealer. They go to Ash Land street and there, Linda Blair sees her again, but she doesn't try to hurt her. They find where her body is buried and she was wearing a necklace that is exactly like a necklace that Pete gave Linda Blair.
-Pete has thrown Dean in the back of a truck and is driving him out to the middle of nowhere to kill him. Pete was the one who really killed the couple, Claire was actually trying to warn everyone (but her throat was slit and couldn't talk). Linda Blair and Sam find Dean and Pete and to save the Winchesters, Linda Blair has to kill Pete.
-She then lets them go and as they're walking away, Dean says he could "really go for some pea soup" (remember Linda Blair was in the Exorcist)
2x08 Crossroad Blues
-Dean is, officially, in the Fed's database, on suspicion of murder (twice, the one in the last episode and the one from Skin 1x06)
-The boys end up at the Robert Johnson Crossroads. Crossroads are where deals are made, deals between a person and a demon. Apparently time is up for some folks, and hellhounds are coming to take them away. Three of the dealmakers wanted success or talent. But the fourth made a deal to save his dying wife. The parallels between what John did for Dean are fairly obvious and Dean does not handle it well, believing that his father died to save him.
-While Sam stays to protect Evan (guy who made the deal to save his wife), Dean goes out to the crossroads to talk to the demon.
-Dean leads the demon to his car, but she sees that he's drawn a devil's trap on the ground. She gets mad and walks away but tells him that if he only knew what his father was going through, he'd have made a deal with her. She tells him that John is in Hell, suffering and unspeakable fate. He hesitates. She tells him that she could bring John back in exchange for Dean's life, the 3 Winchesters would get 10 long years together before Dean would have to give up his soul. The boy looks so broken during this whole scene, it's so sad. But don't give up on Dean, he's lured the demon bitch into another devil's trap he drew. They finally do make a deal-he'll let her go if she releases Evan from his contract. They kiss on it and she leaves, still telling him he should have made that deal about daddy.
2x09 Croatoan
-Sam has a vision of Dean killing someone. They head to Oregon, where they believe the vision will take place.
-While there, they find the word "croatoan" carved into a telephone poll. the word Croatoan was the only thing the vanishing colony of Roanoke left when they disappeared. Sam says that John had a theory that that was the name of a demon
-They go looking for the guy that Dean kills in Sam's visions and they notice that all communication is down. They find the guy's family and after they act strangely, Dean and Sam spy on them. They see the father and brother tie up the wife and cut her arm. The boys save her, and Dean kills the father. Sam fails to shoot the brother
-They take the woman to the local doctor's office and she eventually turns crazy like her family did. After the doc looks at both her and her husband's blood, she notices that it is some kind of virus, a virus that's laced with sulfur (remember, it's the evil element!)
-Dean tries to leave town, but a group of people try and stop him. He also finds a car that the inside is covered in blood-including the baby seat in the back. On the way back to the doc's office, he runs into Sarge, a man he and Sam met earlier. He seems to be one of the only sane people left, and they ride back to the doctor's office together.
-Eventually Dwayne, the kid in Sam's vision shows up. He's been out in the woods and has a cut on his leg. Dean wants to plug him, just in case (like how he did in Sam's vision). However, he doesn't kill Dwayne and after a few hours the doc says that he's still not infected.
-The nurse gets infected and attacks Sam in the pharmacy locker. She bleeds on him and everyone fears the worst. Sarge goes to kill Sam but Dean won't let him. He gives Sarge, Dwayne and the doc his keys and says to leave, he's staying there with Sam.
-Sam is extremely upset that Dean won't leave, that he won't go on. Dean says "who says that I want to?" He talks about going to the Grand Canyon and it's all very heartbreaking. He also admits that it's not about Dad. But before he can go on, the doc comes back and says that the entire town has disappeared. And after 6 hours, Sam never becomes infected. The boys leave, obviously shaken and confused by everything.
-Dwayne and the Sarge leave town together and in the truck, Dwayne tells Sarge to pull over, he has to make a call. He pulls out an evil looking goblet and a knife and slits the Sarge's throat. His eyes turn black, he's been possessed. He talks in the goblet filled with Sarge's blood and says that everything went as expected, the Winchester boy was immune.
-The boys have pulled over somewhere with a 6 pack and are talking about what happened the day before. Dean says "Before he died, Dad told me something about you."
"Dean, what did he tell you?"
(seriously, Eric Kripke is an evil bastard)
2x10 Hunted
-The show opens with a guy (who I only refer to as Conor Oberst, because that's who he looks like to me. His real name is Scott though) talking a therapist. He says that he has powers, he can electrocute things with his hand, he fried the neighbor's cat. He also says that the yellow eyed man, who comes to him in his dreams, says he wants him to do things, terrible things. We then see him get stabbed in a parking lot.
-We go back to the boys talking. Dean reveals the secret that's been haunting him since his father died.(one of the most important scenes in the series, so you get the dialogue as it is)
"Dean, what did he tell you?"
"He said that he wanted me to watch out for you, to take care of you."
"He told you that a million times."
"No, this time was different. he said that I had to save you."
"Save me from what?"
"He just said that I had to save you, that nothing else mattered...and if I couldn't, I'd..."
"You'd what, Dean?"
"That I'd have to kill you. He said that I might have to kill you Sammy."
"Kill me? What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"I don't know"
"I mean, he must have had some kind of reason for saying it, right? Did he know the demon's plans for me? Am I supposed to go Darkside or something? What else did he say, Dean?"
"Nothing, that's it. I swear."
"How could you not have told me this?"
"Because it was Dad and he begged me not to."
"Who cares?! Take some responsibility for yourself Dean! You had no right to keep this from me!"
"You think I wanted this? Huh? I wish to God he'd never opened his mouth. Then I wouldn't have to walk around with this screaming in my head all day.
"We've got to figure out what's going on, then, what the hell this all means."
"We do, I've been thinking about this, I think we should just lay low. You know? At least for awhile. It'd be safer. And that way I can make sure-"
"What? That I don't turn evil? That I don't turn into some kind of killer?"
"I never said that."
"Jeez, if you're not careful, you will have to waste me one day Dean."
"I never said that! Dammit, Sam, this whole thing is spinning out of control all right? You're immune to some weirdo demon virus, and I don't even know what the hell anymore. And you're pissed at me, I get it. That's fine, I deserve it. But we lay low until we figure out our next move, OK?"
"Forget it."
"Sam, please, man. Hey, please. Just give me some time. Give me some time to think, ok? I'm begging you here, please. Please."
-Sam nods, but later that night he sneaks out of their motel and steals a car. He wants to find answers, with or without Dean's help. He goes to the Roadhouse, and asks Ash to look for for any other kids whose mom's died in a housefire, like Sam, Max Miller and Andy Gallagher's mothers did. Only one other kid fit the profile-aforementioned Conor Oberst kid. Even though he's dead, Sam heads to Indiana, where he lived.
-Also, we see a young woman have a dream. In her dream, Sam goes BOOM and gets blown up and dies.
-After looking through Conor Oberst's bedroom, finding prescription meds and a collage of yellow eyes, Sam goes back to his motel and the woman we saw have the dream earlier is there. She explains her dream, says she found him because of the motel stationary and her name is Ava. She also had a dream/vision about Conor Oberst kid a few days before he was killed. Sam tells her what's going on and convinces her to hang out, to try and get answers with him. With Ava's help, Sam steals Conor Oberst kid's medical files from his therapist, which included a taped recording.
-During this, Dean's called Ellen worried sick about Sam. At first, Ellen keeps her promise to Sam to not tell Dean where he is, but she gives into to Dean pretty quickly. He heads to Indiana and finds Sam and Ava in the motel room, but doesn't go in.
-Sam and Ava listen to the recording, besides what we already heard, Conor Oberst kid says "He has plans for me. He says there's a war coming. That people like me, we're going to be the soldiers. Everything's about to change."
-Then a bullet rips into the motel room, barely missing Sam. More follow. Whose shooting at them? Our dear old friend Gordon Walker (from Bloodlust, if you don't remember)
-Dean is able to run up to where Gordon is and starts to kick his ass. But Gordon gets the better of him and knocks him out. Sam and Ava then head to where Gordon was (Gordon and Dean are long gone) and Sam calls Dean for help. Gordon makes Dean tell him where they are (an abandoned shack-the same shack, where, in Ava's vision, Sam goes BOOM)
-Dean says that Lafayette, Indiana is a "real funky town". Apparently, this a code word he made up to signal that someone's got a gun on him. Oh Dean.
-Despite Ava's warnings that he's walking right into her vision, Sam says he has to go, it's his brother. He sends her back to Peoria, to her fiance, and promises that he'll call.
-Meanwhile, Gordon's done us all a favor and tied Dean up. Dean thinks this is all about what Sam and he did to him back in Bloodlust. But it's not personal, Gordon says. Gordon knows about the demon and the war he's planning-some low level demon he was exorcising told him. He also knows that Sam has psychic abilities and is "fair game". He's lured Sam here to blow him up. Dean tries his best to stay cool during all of this, but you can tell-he's freaking the fuck out.
-Sam does show up, exactly like in Ava's vision. Both bombs that Gordon's set up go off (Dean's face [oh, Gordon did us another favor and put a a gag on him-for the kinky bastard in all of us] during this scene is just heartbreaking). But Sam's got a few tricks up his sleeve. He surprises Gordon and they start fighting. Sam manages to get Gordon's gun away from him and when Gordon taunts him to kill him, to become the monster he's supposed to be, Sam just knocks him out.
-He goes to where Dean is and unties him. And while neither speaking a word, their body language speaks volumes. Seriously, if you haven't realized already, this episode is extremely important to watch, haha.
-Sam convinces Dean to leave Gordon and they walk out. However, Gordon got back up and starts shooting at the Winchesters all gangsta' style and shit. But UH OH GORDON. Sammy called the cops on you! (OH SHIT I FORGOT. Gordon killed Conor Oberst kid, just FYI)
-The boys get in the Impala and have a totally cute and awesome convo. (Sam: "You can't protect me." Dean: "I can try.") But Sam can't get ahold of Ava. They drive to Peoria to check on her, and when they get there, all they find is her dead fiance in a bloody mess. And her engagement ring. And sulfur
2x11 Playthings
-The boys get mistaken for a gay couple (antiquers specifically). Twice.
-Dean makes Sam a doll collector
-Sam gets depressed one night after not being to save someone on the hunt they're on and decides to get drunk. (which is both hilarious and heartbreaking). He calls Dean short (hilarious) and then makes him promise to kill him if he turns evil (heartbreaking)
-Sam dives into a pool to save a little girl. Sam with wet hair? Awesome.
-Lots of homages to The Shining in this ep
2x12 Nightshifter
-This episode is kind of like an action movie. Which is awesome, but it's hard to explain in words. I really can't do it justice. Basically, another shapeshifter has showed up. This time it's robbing banks. However, this guy Ron, who witnessed this thing rob the bank he worked at, is convinced that it's a "mandroid" and is going to get to the bottom of this himself. So the night that Sam and Dean are in the bank where the shapeshifter is, Ron comes in and locks everyone in because he is kind of batshit insane.
-Long story short, the police show up outside, Dean gets identified on the news, Ron gets shot and killed :(, the shapeshifter can shift really fast so no one can tell who it is, the FBI shows up and this one agent, Hendrikson, talks to Dean on the phone and says he knows who Dean and Sam are and he's after their asses.
-Dean eventually kills the shifter and the boys escape to Styx's "Renegade" which just might be the best musical moment on this show ever.
2x13 Houses of the Holy
-Because Dean could get arrested, he has to stay at the motel where he enjoys the magic fingers vibrating bed, a little too much. It makes Sam "uncomfortable" haha
-Some former "sinners" (a hooker and a drunk for example) have killed people in the name of God, after a supposed angel told them to. We find out lots about the boys' faith in this episode. Dean doesn't believe in angels or God because he's never seen any evidence of one. He also says that their mom had a lot of faith and used to tell him that angels were watching out for them (it was the last thing she ever said to him) and considering what happened to her, Dean's faith is minimal at best. Sam, however, believes that they could be dealing with an angel. He also says that he prays everyday. Dean likens Sam's faith to their mom's.
-While at the local church, they find out that a priest was killed on the church's step over his car keys. Dean believes that that's who they're dealing with, but Sam's still not sure. Especially after the supposed angel visits him and tells him he has to kill someone.
-Dean says they can prove that this is either Father Gregory (the priest who died) or an angel-they'll perform a seance at Father Gregory's grave in the church.
-However, on the way to the church, Sam gets a sign about who he has to kill. But instead of letting Sam go after him, Dean does and orders him to go perform the seance.
-Sam performs the seance and is found by Father Reynolds, a priest they talked to earlier. Also, the seance works, Father Gregory shows up. Father Gregory is one of the most heartbreaking characters in this show. He truly believed that he was an angel. And he was telling these people who killed that they would receive redemption (probably should have mentioned that all the dead people were truly bad people-murderers, pedophiles, etc). But as Father Reynolds tells him, men can't be angels. Sam watches as Father Reynolds administers last rites and puts Father Gregory to rest.
-Meanwhile, Dean is tailing this supposed bad guy. The guy picks up a girl for a date and he seemingly tries to rape her. Dean is able to save her, but the guy takes off. Cue car chase! However, it ends gruesomely. The almost-rapist guy gets impaled by a pipe that fell off a truck.
-Back at the motel, Sam admits that he wanted to believe so badly, he wanted to believe that someone other than Dean might be watching out for him. His faith is shaken. Bob Dylan singing "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" starts playing. Dean, on the other hand, says that tonight, he just might have seen "God's will."
2x14 Born Under a Bad Sign
Oh boy. Like "Hunted", this episode is extremely important. Thus, this will not be short.
-The show opens with Dean looking frantically for Sam. Apparently he's been missing for over a week. But then he gets a call from Sam. We then see Sam, his hand is bloody. Dean gets to him and Sam, covered in blood that's not his own, says he doesn't remember anything.
-The boys try to retrace Sam's steps. They find a car he stole and in addition to a pack of smokes, they find a bloody knife. The go to the gas station where he got the smokes and the guy inside says that Sam threw a bottle of liquor at the guy's head while smoking like a chimney. Dean gives the guy some money and gets him to tell him where Sam drove off after that. They find this house that's been broken into and shows signs of struggle inside. They then find a dead body, the guy's throats been slit. They also find out he's a hunter-a ghost hunter.
-There's a security camera in the guy's house. They watch it. They watch Sam kill the hunter in seemingly cold blood.
-Once back at the motel, Dean just wants to put this place in their rearview mirror and forget about it. However, Sam can't get over what he's done. He wants Dean to put an end to this, to kill him right there-he even hands Dean a gun. But Dean says "No. I'd rather die." (Oh Dean...)
-Sam then says "You'll live. Live to regret this" and turns around and knocks Dean out and leaves.
-The next morning, the motel manager wakes Dean up because it's time for checkout. After paying him off, Dean uses the motel's computer and the cell phone company to find out where Sam is.
-Sam has found our dear little Jo. She's working in a bar (she left the Roadhouse after a fight with her mother awhile ago). Sam tells her he's there to square things, he's not like his father. He also tells her that Dean "thinks she's a schoolgirl" and would never want a relationship with her. He's acting very...un-Sam-like (and it's captivating as hell). He then grabs her hand roughly. She tells him to get out. He turns to leave but instead grabs her and slams her head on the bar and knocks her out. Totally fucked up and creepy as hell.
-Next we see them, he's got her tied up. She says "You're not Sam." He says "Don't be so sure about that." He then tells her the truth about what happened on her father's last hunt, the one he died on with John. They were hunting a hellspawn and her father was the bait. John was overeager and got her dad exposed. He says that yes, the hellspawn they were hunting did attack her dad, but it didn't kill him (like how Ellen had told her). It maimed him, but didn't kill him. He was sitting there, dying and John killed him, put him out of his misery "like a sick dog".
"My daddy shot your daddy in the head,"
-She wants to know why he's telling her this. "Like daddy, like daughter. You're bait."
-Dean bursts in, gun raised. As soon as he does, Sam turns on a dime. He begs Dean to kill him or he's gonna kill Jo. Dean says no, to just come on and he turns around. Sam says "Are you so afraid of being alone, that you'd rather let Jo die?"
Dean then turns around and throws water all over Sam-holy water. His eyes turn black and he steams. He's been possessed this whole time.
-They play a game of cat and mouse on this dock type place, in which Possessed!Sam says that the plan wasn't to kill Dean, at least not until now. He wanted to see if he could push Dean far enough to waste his little brother. And that now he's going to kill every hunter he can find. Then, as Dean looks for him, Possessed!Sam FUCKING SHOOTS DEAN and he falls into the water. Possessed!Sam looks down and GRINS ABOUT IT.
-Next we see Jo looking frantically for Dean and calling him. She finally hears his cell phone and he's managed to crawl halfway out of the water. She takes him back to the bar and takes the bullet out of his shoulder and stitches him back up. She wants to help, but Dean refuses. As he leaves to go find Sam, he says "Thanks. I'll call you later." Once the door closes, Jo replies "No, you won't."
-We see that Possessed!Sam has gone to Bobby's (remember Bobby?). Bobby gets a couple beers to toast to John. However, Bobby, being the badass motherfucker that he is, has put holy water in Possessed!Sam's beer, causing him to sputter and choke and steam from the mouth.
"Don't try to con a conman." (BOBBY RULES)
-Dean eventually gets there, and Possessed!Sam is tied up, under the same devil's trap Meg was last season. Bobby begins an exorcism and Dean yells at the demon. "You're not gonna get Sam, 'cause I'm gonna kill everyone of you first." Possessed!Sam laughs. He doesn't "give a rat's ass about the master plan." We then realize that the exorcism isn't working. Then, as Possessed!Sam starts speaking some latin of his own and the house starts shaking, Bobby notices that there's a brand on Sam's arm-it's a binding link. The demon locked itself inside Sam's body. The house then shakes so badly, that the devil's trap circle becomes broken. The demon is powerful again
-After knocking Bobby out, Possessed!Sam begins to torture Dean, clutching his gunshot wound, beating the shit out of him. He also says that "When people want to describe the worst possible thing, they say it's like hell. And hell is, well it's like hell. Even for demons. It's a prison, made of bone and flesh and blood and fear. And you sent back here."
Dean replies, knowing who it is. "Meg."
It's the Meg!Demon from last season and she did this just to fuck with Dean and Sam for exorcising her last year. (God she's a bitch isn't she?) She also lets Dean know that she's seen John and he says "Howdy". But then Bobby approaches from behind and grabs Sam's arm and burns the binding link. The demon is forced to leave Sam's body.
-Once Sam's back in control of his body, his face is priceless.
"Did I miss anything?"
Dean punches him, haha.
-Bobby gives the boys charms to ward off demons and tells them that other hunters know about the hunter Sam killed and they better act like they don't know anything about it.
-Back in the Impala, the boys have this exchange:
Sam: "...but no matter what I did, you wouldn't shoot."
Dean: "It was the right move Sam, it wasn't you."
"Yeah, this time. What about next time?"
"Sam, when Dad told me that I might have to kill you, it was only if I couldn't save you. Now, if it's the last thing I do, I'm going to save you."
He then giggles a few seconds later.
"Dude, you, you like, full-on had a girl inside you for like a whole week. That's pretty naughty."
2x15 Tall Tales
-Ok this episode is by far the funniest episode ever, but nothing happens mytharc wise. But it's fucking HILARIOUS and there is absolutely no way I can do it justice by just explaining it. Basically the boys are on a hunt where crazy stuff keeps happening and they can't explain it. They call up Bobby for help and when he gets there, the boys' stories of what happened differ greatly. Well maybe not the stories themselves, but how the brother's acted definitely.
-For instance, Sam sees Dean as boozing, man slut who hooks up trashy chicks. And on the flip side, Dean sees Sam as uppity, fussy and overly sensitive aka raging queen. It's so damn funny
-Bobby tells them that they're dealing with a Trickster and he's been fucking with them (Sam's laptop went missing and someone let the tires out in the Impala. Which because of that, Sam and Dean had a wrestling match. On a bed.)
-The are able to seemingly defeat the trickster and kill him, but unbeknownest to the boys, the Trickster tricked them and he's not really dead.
-That's a terrible review of that episode, but seriously, it's SO FUNNY. Watch it.
2x16 Roadkill
(this would be the episode with the hot chick from Battlestar Galactica in it. It's also a good standalone)
-The help a woman named Molly who claims that a man is chasing after her, after she avoiding him with her car. Now her car and her husband who was in it are gone.
-The boys kill the man, a spirit, who was torturing her. By now Molly is upset because the boys kept promising to take her to her husband but she says "He's dead isn't he?" But Sam says no, he's not. They're going to take her to him.
-Turns out the spirit, the man whose bones they burned, wasn't the only spirit on that stretch of road. Molly was also a spirit. She ran into that man 15 years ago with her car and killed them-and she died as well. Every year on the anniversary of their deaths, the man chases after her and tortures her and she causes wrecks. However, she did not know she was dead or a ghost until Sam and Dean told her (and showed her David, her husband who is alive and remarried).
-Sam tells her to let go and then she should be at peace. She looks into the sky and a bright light appears and she's gone.
-Dean calls Sam "A walking encyclopedia of weirdness" earlier in the episode
2x17 Heart
-The boys are investigating the gruesome deaths of some San Franciscans. They realize that they're dealing with a werewolf. Dean geeks out about it, because werewolves are "badass".
-The man whose death they're in San Fran for had an assistant. She says that she has an ex-boyfriend whose been stalking her and they think he might be the werewolf. So after a game of rock, paper, scissors ("Dean, always with the scissors"), Sam gets to stay with the "hot chick" to make sure she's ok while Dean goes after the supposed werewolf.
-Sam is the most awkward boy ever around Madison. But she eventually gets him to stop being so damn awkward by having him watch All My Children with her. They talk some more and she says that the best thing that ever happened to her was getting mugged-it made her stronger. Sam calls her unusual (Oh Sam you suck at girls) but in an impressive way, haha. Meanwhile, Dean is at a strip club, since the supposed werewolf guy is there. He follows him back to his apartment and waits outside. He hears a fight going on and when he gets there, the ex-boyfriend guy is dead and Madison is actually the werewolf. She attacks Dean and knocks him out, but he manages to cut her with his knife
-He calls Sam once he regains consciousness and Sam says he never heard her get out of bed, but she sees the cut Dean was talking about. He locks her in her apartment and ties her up. She has no idea what's going and tells Sam that he's sick, monsters don't exist. He begins to believe her, that she doesn't know she's a werewolf. After talking to Dean, they decide to give an old theory of their dad's a try-if you kill the werewolf that turned you, then you sever the bloodline and hopefully that cures you. Dean goes to where Madison said she was mugged and he finds the werewolf (her neighbor). He kills him, and we realize, no werewolves realize that they turn. (her neighbor wore lots of Jesus-centric t-shirts and would probably never hurt a fly in real life)
-Anyway, during that, Madison turns and Sam is able to lock her in a room. The next morning, she wakes up and sees scratches all over the room she was in. Sam tells her it should be over now though, and he'll just be a bad memory.
-However, she spots the boys lurking outside her apartment, since they want to make sure nothing happens. She invites them inside and they stay up through the night. She doesn't turn.
-In the morning, Sam and her talk, wishing that things hadn't had to change (since they've been really obviously into each other the whole episode). Dean leaves them to "go watch some Pay-Per-View" and does a fist pump in the air (Gotta love Dean). Once Dean's gone, Sam and Madison have really hot and awesome sex. (for no other reason, watch this episode for that. He's gorgeous, she's gorgeous, and it's fairly steamy for television)
-But once they're asleep, Madison turns again. She doesn't attack Sam, but she does leave.
-Sam goes to Dean and he then gets a call from Madison, she's scared. They pick her up and bring her back to her apartment. Sam says they'll find some other way to save her. But she knows, like how Dean knows, there's no cure, she'll always be a werewolf. She grabs one of their gun's off the table and hands it Sam. She wants him to be the one to do it. She wants him to save her.
Sam leaves the room and Dean grabs the gun from her and goes after him. He says he's got this one, he'll do it. Sam, crying literal buckets and breaking my heart, says no, she wants him to do it-he has to do it. He goes back into the room she's in and gives his brother one last look and it's of such pain. The camera turns to Dean, one tear slides down his face. A gun fires. Dean flinches.
2x18 Hollywood Babylon
-The boys investigate a mysterious death on the set of a movie called Hell Hazers II. This is a hilarious episode, with tons of inside jokes (they call the weather Canadian and make fun of McG, one of the guys who produces Supernatural)
-Dean has freaky trailer sex (we don't see it though) with the star of the movie.
-It's a funny episode, so not much happens mytharc wise, but definitely worth checking out. Also stars Gary Cole (Office Space, among tons of TV work) and Don Stark (Bob from That 70s Show).
2x19 Folsom Prison Blues
-One of John's old Marines buddies contacts the boys about a bunch of deaths in this prison he works at and he wants the boys to check it out. However, the only way they can check it out is by being inmates themselves, so they purposely get arrested.
-Dean fits in really well with all the prisoners and prison life. He wins a bunch of cigarettes playing poker, despite the fact he doesn't smoke and likes to start fights with the other prisoners. Sam, on the other hand, spends most of the episode bitching about what a bad idea this was.
-Hendrikson (the FBI guy from Nightshifter) shows up and really wants to throw the book at the boys because he thinks they're extremely dangerous.
-The boys also get a lawyer, Mara, and after looking through their cases, she thinks something doesn't add up and the boys are innocent (especially considering people's reports that the boys actually saved them-see: Linda Blair's character from The Usual Suspects)
-The ghost they are hunting is an old prison nurse who died the night of a riot years ago. They just reopened the wing of the prison where she died, so she's back and killing anyone whose ever broken the law (she hated cons). She attempts to kill Dean, while in the infirmary with another prisoner Tiny, but his salt packet from dinner saves him. Tiny, sadly, doesn't make it.
-While the boys know who the ghost is, they don't have time to find out any more information to kill her. Sam is pissed and just wants out. Their dad's buddy, Deacon, is breaking them out tonight and they're leaving tonight. Dean convinces their lawyer to find out where the prison nurse was buried.
-Deacon, a guard at the prison, gives the boy's a note from their lawyer, telling them where the nurse is buried and then lets them escape.
-Hendrikson is pissed when he finds out they broke out. He eventually gets their lawyer to tell him what she and Dean talked about (the prison nurse's grave site) and she tells him what cemetery she's buried at. However, she sent Hendrikson and his men to the deliberate wrong cemetery, while Sam and Dean torch that bitch's bones and leave town.
2x20 What is and What Should Never Be
-While searching an abandoned warehouse (by himself-Sam's at the motel) for the djinn the boys are hunting, the aforementioned djinn attacks Dean.
-Djinns are genies, basically. They give you some kind of "supernatural acid" that basically grants your deepest wish while the djinn slowly drinks your blood (what he lives off of). This wish is just a hallucination created in your mind.
-So in this episode, we find out what Dean's deepest wish is: He wished that his mother never died. If Mary never died, then John wouldn't have raised the boys as hunters and they would have had normal lives.
-In this altered reality (which I'll refer to as Alternative Universe or AU) Dean is involved with a beautiful, respectable chick Carmen. He also works at a garage and apparently drinks a lot. Mary is alive, John is still dead (of a stroke though, nothing sinister) and Sam is at law school and with Jessica.
-Sam and Jess arrive in Lawrence for Mary's birthday (this is after Dean has had the time of his life mowing the lawn). Dean is so stoked to see Sam, which weirds Sam out. AU!Sam is dressed in this really hilarious baby blue track jacket and has preppy, straightened hair.
-That night, they all go for dinner for Mary's birthday. Sam and Jessica announce they're engaged and Dean is so freaking happy for Sam (again, which visibly weirds Sam out).
-While at dinner, and for the second time of the episode, Dean sees this girl. Her appearance is steadily getting worse and after a few seconds, she disappears.
-After dinner, Dean says that he and Sam and Jess and Carmen should all go have a drink. Sam pulls his brother aside and asks what's up. Dean says "I'm just happy for you Sammy." and Sam responds "Yeah, since when do you call me Sammy?" In this reality, Dean and Sam never got along. Dean stole Sam's ATM card and prom date when they were in high school. They never had anything in common and they only ever talk on holidays. Dean says they do have something in common-hunting. Sam says he's never hunted in his entire life. Dean responds that he thinks he'd be great at it (*cue my heart breaking, just a little*)
-Dean goes back to his house with Carmen and he is saddened that he and Sam don't get along, but he can fix that. Carmen leaves for work (she's a nurse) and Dean sits down in front of the TV with a beer. While channel-flipping, a news report announces the one-year anniversary of a plane crash. It's the plane from Phantom Traveler (1x04) that he and Sam saved. Dean goes to his computer and we see flashes of headlines of people the boys had saved are all dead (we see, in particular, the little girl from Playthings (2x11) and the kids from "Something Wicked" (1x18))
-Dean goes to his father's grave. Jensen Ackles gives one helluva performance and I could never do it justice by summarizing it. Basically Dean is frustrated that he has to be the one to sacrifice everything to save these people.
-Next we see Sam, asleep in his mother's house and he hears someone break in. The next few moments mirror the Pilot, when Dean breaks into his house then. However, this time, Sam is easy as pie to take down, since he's never had combat training in his life. Dean's taking one of their mom's silver knives. Sam is pissed that Dean's stealing from their mom, but Dean covers and says he owes someone a gambling debt.
-Dean is about to drive off, when Sam gets in the car. AU!Sam may be a pussy, but Dean is still his brother and he's gonna go with him, to whatever trouble he's gotten into.
-Dean is going to kill the djinn in Illinois and he needed a silver knife dipped in lamb's blood to do it. When Sam finds the lamb's blood, he gets out his cell phone to call someone because he thinks Dean has lost his damn marbles. Dean just throws his phone out the window and it is hilarious.
-They get to the warehouse and inside they find that girl that Dean's been seeing everywhere. She's a prisoner of the djinn as well. Dean realizes that he's in this warehouse somewhere, tied up just like she is. He takes the knife and says that if he kills himself in this dream, he'll wake up. As he goes to do it, AU!Sam says "Stop!" and then Mary, Carmen and Jess are there. "Why'd you have to push it?" Sam asks. Everyone tells Dean that he could be happy here, to just stay. Sam says "Why do we have to save everybody?" and they all try to convince him to stay. His face, you can tell he wants to, more than anything, but he shoves the knife into his gut and he wakes up, back in the real world. Sam is in front of him, trying to wake up. When Dean does, there is neck touching. The djinn goes to attack Sam, but Dean breaks free and they kill him. They also rescue the girl that kept appearing to Dean while in his altered reality. (he was getting glimpses of her every time he was about to come out of the acid trip)
-Back at the motel, Dean is obviously very shaken by what happened. Sam, for a change, is the one that has to convince Dean that it's all worth it. "It's not fair, but it's worth it."
2.21 All Hell Breaks Loose Part 1
Oh god. This is going to take forever. This part one of the season finale.
-While at a diner, Sam is taken by demons (sulfur at the scene!) and everyone else inside is killed. Having been in the Impala, Dean is fine, but freaked out about where Sam is.
-Sam is in, what looks like, Frontierland. It's an abandoned, western-looking town. He runs into Andy (remember sweet, awesome, amazing Andy from Simon Said?) and Ava (from Hunted, and remember, she's been missing ever since the end of that episode, 5 months ago). There's also 2 other people there, Jake (a soldier, who was in Afghanistan the day before) and Lily (a really unhappy lesbian). They're all, obviously, demon-kids. Jake has super-strength and Lily kills people with her touch (which is why she is so unhappy, understandably).
-Sam tells everyone about demons and everything, but they don't believe him, Jake and Lily especially). Jake says he's out of there and when he goes to leave, he sees a little girl in one of the buildings. He follows her in and she turns out to be a demon. Sam gets rid of her, using an iron bar. Now everyone believes him. He tells them all to look for salt and iron. Oh and Ava says she only saw Sam 2 days ago. For the record. And Andy continues to be awesome.
-Dean and Bobby have no idea where to even start looking for Sam. They enlist Ash's help, who tells Dean via phone that he needs to get to the Roadhouse ASAP and he can't talk about it over the phone. Once Dean and Bobby get there though, the Roadhouse is burned completely down and Ash (and everyone inside) is dead.
-Back at Frontierland (which Sam realizes is some town in South Dakota which is called the most haunted town in America), Lily has decided to try and get out. A little while later, the kids all realize that she's missing and when they go outside, they see her body hanging from a windmill. She's dead.
-Before this, Sam confessed to Andy that he didn't know where Dean was and if he was even alive. Andy said that's been practicing his powers and he can know project images into people's head (he also says to annoy this guy he hates, he projects gay porn into his head 24/7. Oh Andy ♥). So Sam gives him a receipt Dean signed and Andy uses his powers to project the images of the town and Sam into Dean's mind. It gets through to Dean and he tells Bobby about the images and Bobby realizes where they are. They set off.
-In Frontierland, Sam falls asleep and in his dream, the Yellow Eyed Demon appears. He takes Sam outside and says he's rooting for him. Sam doesn't understand. The Bastard explains that, basically, he's hosting a demon-kid Last Man Standing contest. He doesn't need them all to be in this war he's planning, he just needs one, one to lead. He also shows Sam what happened in his nursery the night his mother died:
The Bastard was there and standing over Sam's crib. He cut his wrist and had baby Sammy drink some of the blood. When Mary barges in, the Bastard turns and she recognizes him. "It's you." He then does his whole, kill the mom thing and the dream ends. Oh and he does confess that Mary didn't have to die, she only did because she saw him (which explains why most of the kid's mothers didn't die that night, they weren't in the room).
-Sam wakes up and Jake and Andy tell him that Ava's missing. Sam and Jake go looking for her, while Andy stays in their little house they've holed up in and lined with salt. Ava walks in and breaks the salt line. She looks down and starts rubbing her temples. A demon (the demon that went to attack Jake earlier) comes into the house and kills Andy (*cue me sobbing hysterically*).
-Ava then cries out in fake-horror. Sam comes in and sees the broken line. He realizes that she's been here this whole time and has been killing people (she killed Lily earlier) since she can control demons. She says you just have to give into the power and you can learn so many new tricks. And she's about to have her demon kill Sam when Jake comes in and snaps her neck.
-Sam and Jake go outside, Sam says they can leave now, since the demon Ava was controlling should be gone. Jake says they can't, and he doesn't want to do it, but it's survival of the fittest and he has to take Sam down. They fight and Sam gets beat up kinda bad. But Sam BEATS UP A DUDE WITH SUPER STRENGTH. We then see Dean and Bobby run into Frontierland. Both Sam and Dean are so relieved and begin to walk towards each other. However, Jake wasn't knocked out and he grabs a knife that was on the ground and literally stabs Sam in the back.
-Bobby goes after Jake while Dean grabs Sam.
-Sam dies in Dean's arm.
Yes ladies and gentlemen, Sam is dead.
2x22 All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2
The season 2 finale. This will take awhile.
-The show opens with Sam's dead body on a crappy mattress in some abandoned house Dean and Bobby are at. Dean is more upset than you can possibly imagine. He can't even eat people. He is beyond devastated. Bobby tries to get back in the game, saying that if they don't try to hunt the demon, the whole world is gonna end. Dean responds "Well, let it end!"
-Bobby leaves, telling Dean he knows where to find him. Dean sits next to his dead brother, talking and crying and generally breaking my heart into 15 different pieces. There is a reason the network sent this episode in for Emmy consideration for Jensen Ackles. Watch it.
-During all of this, the demon visits Jake, who is living in a tent in the woods somewhere. The demon says that Jake has to do something for him, he's the American Idol.
-Dean then realizes what "he has to do". He drives out to the crossroads of Crossroad Blues (2x08). He summons the demon there and he asks to make a deal. His life for Sam's, 10 years until he has to go to Hell. The demon says no, his soul isn't worth that much. He keeps lowering...9...8..5 years, he says, final offer. She gets up in his face and says she'll give him ONE year, that's all, and Sammy's back. They seal the deal. (Oh jesus Dean...)
-Sam wakes up, and his back is bruised to fuck and it looks like it hurts. Dean soon arrives and hugs his Sammy.
-Dean, eating again, and Sam talk, mostly about what happened to Sam at Frontierland (not about him dying though, Dean says that Bobby patched him up). Dean says that they should hold off going after the demon, but Sam says they have to. Sam also leaves out the detail about their mom and the night she died.
-They had to Bobby's and the look on Bobby's face when he sees Sam is nothing short of priceless. He then looks at Dean with horror. Bobby's a smart man, he knows what Dean did.
-He gets Dean to go outside with him and basically chews his ass out. He also calls Dean on his raging self-esteem issues, since Dean figures he's not supposed to be here anyway. In the midst of their arguing, they hear a noise. It's Ellen and she escaped the fire at the Roadhouse, having gone out for pretzels.
-Right before the Roadhouse went *BOOM* Ellen says Ash called her and told her to get what was in the safe downstairs. It was a map. This map has points all over Wyoming (churches built by the Samuel Colt) and they form a 100 mile Devil's Trap. And in the middle is an old cowboy graveyard. They all decide to head there.
-Meanwhile, Jake and the Bastard are talking again. Ol' Yellow Eyes tells Jake that he has to take this gun (this gun being the infamous Colt) and to put it into this mausoleum type place in aforementioned old cowboy graveyard. He also tells Jake to do it or else he will kill Jake's family and if he does do it, they'll be treated like royalty in this new world he's going to create. Oh and the demon can't do it himself because of the Devil's trap, which are iron railroad lines.
-Everyone's at the graveyard. Jake approaches the center with the Colt when awesome foursome tells him to stop, all their guns raised. Jake sees Sam and says "I killed you. I cut your spinal cord." Sam is shaken but keeps his gun on Jake. Jake says that Ava was right, once you give in, all kinds of Jedi mind tricks are at your disposal. He makes Ellen point her gun towards her own head. He turns and puts the Colt into the door (it was a key, basically) and the door begins to open. Dean and Bobby get Ellen's gun away from her and Sam shoots Jake. And not just once. He shoots him a crapload of times. And it's kinda creepy.
-Despite their best efforts, the door opens and out pours dozens and dozens of demons. Also, the railroad's are broken and ol' Yellow Eyes can step right into the graveyard now.
-Dean grabs the Colt, which still has the one bullet left. He sees The Bastard, but The Bastard's too fast for Dean and he telekinesis-throws him into a gravestone. Sam goes to help, but he just gets pinned against a tree while Bobby and Ellen try to close the door. The Bastard thanks Dean for putting Sammy back in rotation, however he asks Dean if he what he brought back was actually 100% Sam. He says "You of all people should know, what's dead should stay dead." Sam sees them talking, but can't hear what they're saying. The Bastard raises the gun to shoot Dean, but GUESS WHAT BADASS JUST WALKED OUT OF HELL? That's right people, John fucking Winchester is here and he just wrestled the demon of the body it was possessing. The demon throws John back and gets back in his body, but not before Dean grabs the Colt and finally shoots that son of a bitch. John, who never said a word, smiles at Dean and Sam and then turns all glowy and fades away. Upwards though, so let's assume he's in heaven with Mary making up for lost time, 'kay?
-Sam says he doesn't know what to say, he can't believe the bastard is finally dead. Dean does "That was for our mom, you son of a bitch."
-You think it's over? Almost, but not quite. Sam has a bone to pick with Dean. And here's the dialogue, as is, 'cause it's that important.
"Did I die?" Sam asks. "Did you sell your soul for me, like how Dad did for you?"
"Come on, no!" Dean responds.
"Tell me the truth. Dean, tell me the truth."
"How long did you get?"
"One year. I got one year."
"You shouldn't have done that. How could you do that?"
"Don't you get mad at me. Don't you do that." Dean says, his eyes filled with pleading and love and stinging tears. "I had to. I had to look out for you. That's my job!"
"And what do you think my job is?" Sam asks him.
"You save my life, over and over. I mean, you sacrifice everything for me, don't you think I'd do the same for you? You're my big brother, there's nothing I wouldn't do for you." (role reversal people! I love this show) "And I don't care what it takes, I'm gonna get you outta this. Guess I gotta save your ass for a change."
-Bobby and Ellen remind the boys that over 100 demons got out of Hell when the gates opened. And Dean, with a smile on his face says
"Well then. We got work to do."
Bring on season 3 :)
And like how I pointed out in the first guide, there are several ways you can watch Supernatural.
The CW's Official Site. You can stream a few season two episodes here for absolutely free. You do have to download a plugin but it is totally safe.
TV-Links has almost every episode (except for the Daddy Trilogy of Season 1) up for streaming. The site's been updating though, so some links may not work.
Peekvid also has a lot of season two episodes, but Peekvid can be a bit touchy and not work sometimes. But don't let that deter you!
-You can also buy individual episodes from iTunes and for $1.99 a piece
-And you can buy the Season One DVDs for about $30-50, depending on the site or store. You can also rent them. The DVD's extras include deleted scenes, two episode commentaries, a gag reel, a Day in the Life of Jensen and Jared and a behind the scenes featurette.
-And most importantly, Supernatural airs Thursday Nights at 9pm Eastern Standard Time on The CW.
And as I said before, please feel free to link this here, there and wherever. I'm all about getting people into this show, the more the merrier! :D
And last, but certainly not least
You just gotta love these boys