i feel like i have too much time to waste. D: which is, of course, not true at all.
this post is for Saeki, whose birthday is on 1st October. :DDD and he's with Fuji brothers because Aiba's birthday is on the same day and i like to pair them all. :D (that doesn't make any sense. oh well. LOL.)
onto the chibi greeting. :D )
ini buat teaser Choutarounya dikaw :3 moga2 tar pas gambar whole nya dikaw suka (tunggu yah hun) update journal wa soalnya kudu ngepost ke...6 gambar itu T^T
ahahaha, gpp! :DD santai aja~ untuk sementara gw ngedrool liat gambar teasernya cukup kok. XDDD *melts lagi* ga mungkin ga suka! XDDDDD <3333 -> penuh emoticon ga jelas saking senengnya. XDD
lagi ngejar skripsi? *____* GANBATTEEE!!! >DDD
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