Rutgersfest! Part One

May 02, 2009 09:39

Oh. My. God. It's not too often that I have to remember my day based on the hours that everything happened but serious, I had to.

5am- Wake up and get dressed. Listen to some techno music to wake myself up. Notice that six people in my dorm are up as if this were normal, apprently I'm the only one that likes sleep cycles.

6am- Help pack eight people into a five person brand new car that RUPA rented. It was tight but no one was relaly conscience so it didn't matter. Got the the most abadondom place on college ever. The 2nd back parkinglot for the basketball stadium(we're a football palce) on the campus thats under construction. Scrounged for what ever food was there. Had to work as gohpher for the check in booth.

7am- Got my orange "event staff tee shirt" which meant something very important later, besides just the cool orange color. We have to wait around until Miller's came with tables and chairs. Had to help move everything from the tent to the outside including a 60 bound box of tarp, which I did by myself why some of the guys were struggling. Made me a little happy. I confused pretty much everybody there cause they couldn't figaure out which section I was with and then they seemed shocked that a general body member was actually helping. Apprently I was the only person that was there that didn't have to be. People need to learn to have some school spirit and commitment.

8am- Spent about the next hour unloading a few palletes of diet cherry pepsi. For those that dont know, you know those little crates of maybe 20 bottles? Well its about eight of them in one row, with about 10-20 rows. We loaded half the stuff into a moveable trailor. After that I went to get my event pass and to check it, but becuase I wasn't a board member and therefor was not at the meeting of job pickings, I was told to come back later.

9am- 11am- Moved crap around from tents to tents again and pigged out. Went to get my pass but was still jobless. Helped bring food from the main RUPA tent to the outpost on the otherside of the huge parking lot but in a white unmarked van. Decided that I needed a job and went to hunt down Jen, she of all powerfull "people that didn't show up and I need to kill lists". I was going to working the inflatable game Wrecking Ball.

12 pm- My feet were really starting to hurt from standing there while people started trickling in. My best friend came by for a few minutes but then had to leave. Oh, and my new station was the outpost of no where but all the other people there were coincidenctly the members I had confused that morning and Ruben. All you need ot know about Ruben is that he has a gay lisp, is not gay, and completely awesome. He defended our toliets. The company worker partnered with me is named Pat and he was cool.

1 pm- Some more people come and I realized that this is such an awesoem way to see whose drunk and who isn't. Stood standing for the entire hour.

2 pm- I was really starting to get tired at this point and took my bathroom break.  All we had were portapotties and that thoguht made my stomach turn. However, Ruben was our outposts security and decided that if we had to be there from 6 am to 1 am, we deserve our own private toliets, so only 4 people had gone before as oppossed to 40. It was much better then expected. I came back and asked Pat if he wanted his break. he said that he was waiting for some overeager jackass to wait for 15 minutes and then take his break. I liked him even more after that.

3 pm - It rained. It serious rained in an "imma gunna beat yo' ass" kinda rain. Pat and I had to stand in this for 10 min before his "douchebag of a boss in his fucking toot-toot car" got around to decided that 3 inches (and growing) of sudden and constant rain was not a good idea for plastic inflatables and my station went down. I was bone drenched soaked when they finally gave out the ponchos so didn't even bother. Ran back and forth betweent he two stations to fiagure out what the hell was going on since I technically wasn't suppossed to leave my float. They told me to just try to stay dry in out tented outpost, but I decided to enjore the concert with the wet/angry/drunk/high crowd.

Well, since I ahve to pack my room I'm going to post the 2nd 9 straight hours of work later on. Thats when the great stuff happened.

awesome people, rutgers

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