Aug 04, 2010 00:20
So I'm in the supermarket killing time before I finally saw Inception which was good but is driving me crazy with the lack of answers and the nagging feeling that they've dropped a subplot somewhere along the editing lines. I pick up a magazine, almost positive that it was Scientific America, and read a recent article with Buzz Aldrin. If you don't recall this name you should shoot yourself in the foot.
He wants to reach Mars on 2035. Why? Because there was sixty-six years between the Wright Brother at Kitty Hawk and the successful (don't you dare argue with him) Moon Landing. He likes numbers and anniversaries so I can appreciate that.
Then things went to left field. He wants us to colonize Mars as our next big goal because the moon is done. Okay. I can agree with most of his disappointments in NASA cuase they've not been too much on the achivement level that we really were hoping for come 20 fucking 10 but what can you do? You can left the astrophysicists copy off of your history exam to let her get her shit done but that's not here or there.
He said we need to colonize Mars for when Earth gets destroyed.
I...I loved science fiction. When I see Buzz Aldrin attributed to this I paused, looked at the legit cover of the magazine, and walked away.
Please, someone tell me what to think?