How Unscientific.

Jul 09, 2007 13:32

Because I love seeing other people's theories, and so should you. The seventh and final Harry Potter book is coming out in twelve days! We'll never be able to speculate again!

Feel free to (read: please do) expand in the comments if the text boxes aren't large enough. Obviously, none of the questions are compulsory apart from the one about Phineas Nigellus.

Poll Theories for Book Seven. Because why not?

(EDIT: Also! The theory my family and I have been working on together: Voldemort wanted to make Harry into a Horcrux. He began the spell to create a Horcrux and killed James as part of it, then told Lily to 'stand aside' so he could get to Harry. She got in the way, so eventually he killed her as well, then tried to Horcrux-ify Harry. Because two people had been killed within the Horcrux-spell, rather than one, it was too powerful (perhaps it took up too much of Voldemort's soul?) and blasted Voldemort out of his body.

If we are right, I am probably going to gloat quite a lot.)

polltime, implausible theories, harry potter

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