We Live Together To Protect Everyone Else From The Experience.

Aug 18, 2024 12:20

Rei wandered into the room while Tem and I were playing Final Fantasy XIII. I was attacked by a pack of Gorgonopsids.

Rei: Wow. That is a bodacious monster. Thicc. Who decided to give it such a curvaceous butt?
(Rei continues in this vein until the Gorgonopsids take me down and I get a game over.)
Riona: They killed me. It's because you wouldn't stop talking about their butts.

Rei was unsympathetic, by which I mean they laughed at me for a full thirty seconds.

Shortly afterwards, we spotted an Adamantoise.

Tem: Oh, that's a big boy! A friend?
Riona: It'll have to be our friend, because I'm definitely not strong enough to fight it.
Rei: Hold still so I can get a look at its butt.
(I oblige.)
Rei: Hmm. It doesn't really have an impressive ass.
Riona: It definitely has a substantial ass.
Rei: Well, yeah, but just having a big ass because you're a big thing doesn't mean you have a big ass, you know?

While I nervously tried to avoid the nearby Behemoths:

Rei: Let me see their butts.
Riona: It's foggy. And, if I get too close, they'll kill me.
Rei: How am I supposed to rate the asses of the monsters if you won't let me see the monsters' asses?

We came across a couple of the little round sheep. I pointed them out to Tem, who was suitably delighted; xe loves the sheep of Final Fantasy XIII, as xe should, because they're adorable. Unfortunately, it turned out that even non-monsters weren't safe from Rei's rating system.

Rei: Those don't have butts. Or, rather, they're all butt.
Tem: You're being mean to my friends.

Just before posting this entry, I paid a visit to Tem's room.

Riona: Tem! Would you like to express any thoughts on Final Fantasy XIII, so my entry about it isn't just Rei's posterior rating system?
Tem: I like the sheep.
Riona: Thank you. I knew I could count on you.
Tem: But not for butt-related reasons. I want that to be clear.
Riona: Got it. I'll be sure to clarify.
Tem: I have a pure and innocent love for them. The sort of love a mother might have.

As I descended the stairs to finish writing this, Tem shouted 'TELL YOUR FRIENDS' after me.

featuring guest star tem, conversational adventures, final fantasy, final fantasy xiii, rei is prince of cats

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