There Are Over 150 Files In My Unfinished Fanfiction Folders.

Aug 01, 2024 15:32

About a week ago, I posted an unfinished fanfiction meme to Tumblr, and I thought it might be fun to play here as well!

Name a canon you know I have at some point enjoyed, and I’ll dig up and post an excerpt from the unfinished fanfiction I’ve almost certainly got lying around. (If you name something I don’t have any unfinished fanfiction for, I may write a few lines on the spot. We’ll see!)

I’ve posted this before, many years ago, but don’t worry about avoiding canons that were requested back then; I’ll just try to dig up something else.

Here are the excerpts I posted in response to requests on Tumblr:

goforthequill: For the fanfiction ask meme: any unfinished stories about DN Angel?

This was tricky! But I dug through an old notebook, and I managed to uncover a tiny paragraph. This was from a Kingdom Hearts/DN Angel crossover I have zero recollection of contemplating, in which Kingdom Hearts Riku is talking to Daisuke. Both Riku and Satoshi are self-loathing teenagers who are intensely in love with someone they feel they don’t deserve, and I have a lot of emotions about them.

“Maybe it’s not my place,” Riku says. He glances in Satoshi’s direction. “Or maybe I’m just… projecting or something. I don’t know. But I think you’re important to him.”

academicgangster: Ace Attorney for the unfinished fanfiction meme?

Here’s a snippet in which Apollo and Athena stay up working too late and end up accidentally falling asleep on each other.

The first thing Apollo becomes aware of, as he wanders back to consciousness, is that he’s kind of propped up.

He’s fallen asleep on the office couch again, he guesses. He has to stop doing that; it’s not good for his neck.

It can get cold in the office - Mr Wright isn’t always reliable about paying the heating bills on time - but someone must have found him sleeping and put something over him. Something warm, something heavy, something-


Is that a person?

He snaps awake. “Objection!”

Athena jolts away with a yell.

There’s a moment where they’re just staring at each other, wide-eyed, both lying on the same couch. Apollo’s on his back. Athena’s above him, holding herself apart from him with her hands braced desperately on the couch cushions, like she’s trying to do a push-up.

Their legs are still tangled together.

What happened here?

futuresoon: Danganronpa!

I took this to be a request spanning the entire Danganronpa series and dug up a little Danganronpa 2 snippet. Major Danganronpa 2 spoilers under the cut.

Hinata takes a breath. “On the island... you said that you were ill. Was that - is that true?” Komaeda alive is unbearable, but the thought of seeing him die again...

Komaeda cocks his head to one side and smiles. “Well, I don’t know which possibility you’re hoping for, but I couldn’t possibly destroy that hope by giving you the answer!”

Right. There’s a surprise.

“It can’t be true, right? I mean... we lost years of our memories. You should be dead already.”

Komaeda’s smile broadens.

certifiedwerewolf: Okay so I know it's been well over a decade since you've written anything Top Gear related but I was showing my roommate an episode the other day and telling him stuff about my Top Gear fandom days so now I am curious if you've got any bits and pieces leftover from back when, so for the fanfiction meme, Top Gear? (And if you don't, completely understandable)

We’re really getting into the deep lore here. Here’s something… mildly weird and dark? By Top Gear standards, at least. Because apparently I decided I should write two crossovers between Top Gear and Silent Hill. But Silent Hill is in Wales, for some reason.

(I know the reason. It’s because this was also going to be a crossover with Torchwood. It’s probably for the best that it never got finished.)

A light mist was resting on the hills around them.

James was driving, and the other two had just woken up from their shared slumber, which was fortunate because it meant that they could correct his course but unfortunate because they were clearly now never going to stop mocking him about it.

“Snowdon, James,” Jeremy said, rolling his eyes. “North Wales. Meaning that we should have been travelling north. Did you not notice at any point that the sun was on your right?”

“I’ll have you know that I paid particular attention to the position of the sun,” James retorted, irritated; after all, they could have gone much less out of their way had Jeremy or Richard had the common courtesy to stay awake. “It’s just that my last journey to North Wales was in the morning, and, well, I hadn’t really considered the fact that it would be in the west on this occasion.”

Jeremy burst out laughing. James tightened his grip on the steering wheel and stared resolutely ahead.

“Well,” Jeremy said, when he had recovered himself, “as we’re obviously not going to make Snowdonia before nightfall, on account of James being the worst driver in the world, we may as well change the challenge location. There aren’t any good mountains in Cardiff, are there, Hammond?”

When Richard didn’t cheerfully join in with the mockery, Jeremy frowned and twisted around in his seat. “Hammond?”

Richard was sitting in the back, staring intently out into the gathering darkness and fog. At the sound of Jeremy’s voice, he seemed to come out of a reverie and looked up at him, plainly uneasy. “I just - ” He hesitated; glanced out of the window again. “I thought I saw something moving out there.”

Under normal circumstances, Jeremy would have mocked him for such an unmanly display of nerves, but something about Richard’s tone or the atmosphere in the car made him hesitate. Instead, he frowned, looking back to the windscreen. “It is getting dark pretty quickly, isn’t it? James, what time is it?”

“I don’t know why you can’t check the time yourself; you’re not the one driving,” James muttered, flicking on the headlamps and glancing at the display. “It’s six o’clock.”

“It’s six o’clock in early August,” Jeremy said in disbelief. “I knew Wales was a miserable country, but this is ridiculous.”

“Can we go back?” Richard asked. There was an odd tightness to his voice. “There must’ve - James, you must’ve passed a hotel or something somewhere.”

“Hammond,” Jeremy said, laughing, “I’m not happy about having to stay in Cardiff either, but it’s not - ”

And then a dark shape lurched towards them out of the fog and James jerked the steering wheel so hard that the car skidded off the road and half-way down a grassy embankment before it came to a halt.

For a moment, all three of them were very still and very silent. James was shaking.

“You’ve got reactions, James,” Jeremy said eventually, with a nervous laugh. “Why can’t you ever put a bit of that speed into our challenges?”

“Don’t joke,” James said, still gripping the steering wheel as if it were the only thing anchoring him in place. His face was very white. “I almost hit someone.”

doreyg: Death Note for the unfinished fanfic meme!

I responded with a Death Note/Silent Hill snippet I’d previously posted on this journal. So it wouldn’t just be material I’d already posted elsewhere, though, I also uncovered a few lines from a notebook (a regular non-death notebook):

In another world, you might have been someone else. Nothing special, but enough. Light Yagami, an ordinary man with an ordinary life.

But this is the world you’re in, and you’ve become a god.

tweetymcbastardface: Waterloo Road. Do it.

I can’t believe anyone would do this to me.

“Are you sure about this?” Izzie asks quietly, stroking Lorna’s blonde hair back from her cheek.

Lorna stretches out luxuriantly on the bed, her eyes closed and a smile on her face. “I’ve never felt better.”

Izzie hesitates, looking at Tom, and then she leans down. She laces her fingers through Lorna’s and kisses her, cautiously, and breaks off two seconds later in a burst of nervous laughter. “This is very weird.”

“It doesn’t have to be.”

“No, I think it does.”

“Try again,” Lorna urges. “It was lovely; you’re much better than Tom.”

“Oi!” Tom protests.

Izzie takes a long, slow breath and tries again. She’s so close she can feel the warmth from Lorna’s skin when she breaks down in giggles.

And that’s all the unfinished fanfiction requests I received on Tumblr! Feel free to request a fandom in the comments here, and I’ll see if I have anything lying around for it, or, failing that, I’ll see if I can scribble something down.

silent hill, fanfiction, top gear, audience participation, ace attorney, crossovers, dangan ronpa, fanfiction (really this time), death note, waterloo road, dn angel, kingdom hearts

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