Committing Surgery Perjury.

Apr 11, 2024 09:52

It's time for another roundup of dreams!

Dreamt I was watching an episode of Scrubs! I was really enjoying it and ended up rewinding to rewatch parts. Aspects I remember:

- There was a scene about how good Carla is at getting other people to do things for her, where she was asking everyone else at the cafeteria table to do increasingly unreasonable favours for her and they'd just unquestioningly do them. I think the last might have been asking JD to take Carla's shoes home for her, crawling all the way there.

- Dr Cox whistled JD into walking with him; they went into the men's bathroom. Dr Cox quizzed JD on what treatment he was giving, then went into I Am Imparting Something Serious mode and said something to the effect of 'look, you still think you can just walk out of here when the day ends, but patients always need us and the job is always happening'. I also remember him listing off three doctors who'd famously gone Too Far in trying to keep patients alive, to the extent of causing suffering, and following the list with 'How is that abuse?' - the message was that (in Dr Cox's eyes) nothing is more important than keeping people alive, even if you have to hurt them to do it.

- It was the first season and they hadn't entirely worked out how the hospital should be laid out yet, meaning that the entrance hall was an indoor basketball court. Evidently in later seasons they'd gone 'wait, a hospital probably wouldn't have a basketball court in its entrance hall'. (To clarify, in actual Scrubs, the entrance hall of the hospital has never been a basketball court.)

Dreamt that certain Glee characters - Kurt, Rachel, Finn - were attending university together. Also at the university were young men named, among other things, 'That Boy Smith', 'Fancy Chad' and 'Sex Pollen'.

Dreamt that all NPCs of even minor significance in Final Fantasy XVI could be asked a few different questions if you pressed a specific button to bring up those dialogue options; these dialogue trees varied from character to character. Clive could hit on a not insignificant number of these characters, both male and female, or outright ask them to bang him. I was experimenting to find out exactly which NPCs Clive could have sex with.

Dreamt I was in Oxford and decided to walk alongside a canal to another location: a nearby town? But the walk proved to be longer than expected. It was still light, but I was starting to worry that I wouldn't be there by nightfall, and there was a sense that some unspecified terrible thing would happen once the sun went down, something along the lines of 'there is a chance a specific group will take to the streets and start hunting people for sport'.

I was debating whether to press on or turn back when I met a man, maybe in his forties, jogging the other way; he was white and had dark hair greying just a little at the temples. On seeing me walking, he came to a stop and gave me a friendly warning that I wouldn't find anywhere before dark if I kept going this way.

I turned around and jogged after him back to Oxford. I was able to keep up: highly implausible. I ended up following him back to his home, which for some reason he accessed by walking across his neighbours' back gardens through a series of giant holes knocked in their fences, and I thanked him profusely before he went inside. He said it was no problem and explained how, in the future, I could watch for people on edge to get an idea of whether it would be a You Will Be Hunted For Sport night.

I was just starting to walk away when I realised I didn't know the name of this man who had helped me. I turned around and asked, then gave my name in return. Unfortunately, I cannot remember his name, which was something I'd never heard before. Sorry, dude. Thanks for helping me avoid being hunted for sport.

Dreamt I was LARPing in the world of Red Dead Redemption II? But there were smartphones and tablets lying around everywhere, in a weirdly high concentration even if you disregarded the fact that it was supposed to be 1899. I remember tapping an iPhone and saying, in my best Arthur Morgan impression, which was not very good, 'I ain't never seen one like this before.'

Final Fantasy characters in my dream, mainly from VII: definitely Yuffie and Cloud, possibly Tifa? Auron also showed up briefly. At one point Yuffie gave Cloud a chaste little kiss (with no romantic intent), possibly to comfort him because he was kind of out of it on account of receiving countless... agonising temporary tattoos? Lots of little skin-transfer temporary tattoos that were required to achieve some sort of goal but were somehow very painful, although I can't remember whether it was physically or emotionally.

As ever, I tend to assume my dreams are mainly just of interest to me, so there's no obligation to read my dream roundups (not that there's any obligation to read my other entries either!), but you're very welcome to if you're curious.

final fantasy xvi, scrubs, final fantasy, red dead redemption, we all love hearing about dreams right?, glee, final fantasy vii

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