If You've Always Wanted To Write Narnia Incest, I've Got Great News For You.

Jan 16, 2024 16:01

The annual Three-Sentence Ficathon is currently underway on Dreamwidth! It's always a lively event.

The second prompt post has just opened; you can find it over here if you want to leave some prompts, or you can poke through the first prompt post in search of inspiration. (The title of this post comes from the fact that there are always a surprising number of Narnia incest prompts, but it isn't intended as a dig at all; I'm glad the Narnia fandom is having a good time!) The three-sentence limit isn't a strict one; you're free to go over.

Below the cut, I've shared my fills from this year's Three-Sentence Ficathon so far. Fandoms: Aladdin, Death Note, Uncharted, Lost, Community.

Aladdin, Jasmine. First posted here, in response to the prompt 'Aladdin, any & Genie, who were some other people that the Genie had to grant wishes to?'

Jasmine knows Prince Ali in an instant, knows who must be behind it. It makes her feel better about her own silly little-girl wish; Aladdin is older than she was when she found the lamp, but evidently she's not the only person to get swept up in dreams of royalty.

The Genie swoops down over the parade to give her a wink and a grin.

Death Note, Light and L. First posted here, in response to the prompt 'platonic bed sharing'.

They climb into bed together like they have every night, but this night is different. This night, Light has his memories back.

Light's never liked sharing a bed, but he's become familiar enough with it to sleep, at least, over the past two months. He can't sleep tonight, his head full of how easy it would be to loop the chain of the handcuffs around L's throat.

Too traceable, too much of a risk; it wouldn't exactly be a difficult murder to solve. But the image still calls to him.

When he looks over at L, he catches him with his eyes cracked open, and he wonders if he's picturing the same thing.

Uncharted, Sully and Nate. First posted here, in response to the prompt 'Uncharted, Sully, Nate's crush is very obvious'.

Sully pins him to the wall with a hand against his shoulder. "I told you, kid: if you took my cigars again, I'd-"

"You'd what?" Nate asks. "What are you gonna do to me?"

Sully shifts back a little to take in Nate's expression - the bright eyes, the flushed grin - and he thinks: shit.

Lost, Jack/Kate. First posted here, in response to the prompt 'if our love died, would that be the worst thing?'

"Maybe we don't have to fight for this relationship," Kate whispers. "It hasn't exactly been good for anyone; maybe the best thing would just be to let it die."

And she's right, maybe, but she's kissing him between words as she says it, and Jack isn't strong enough not to kiss her back.

Community, the Dean. First posted here, in response to the prompt 'canon atypical violence'.

“Now,” the Dean announces, “you may be aware that paintball competitions at Greendale... haven’t gone so well, so we decided not to have one this year. I was very clear about this: I called up our supplier and told them they definitely shouldn’t send us any paintball guns.”

There’s a quiet, collective sigh of relief among the gathered students.

“Unfortunately,” the Dean says, “they misunderstood and sent us three hundred real guns.” He gestures to an array of open crates. “I can trust you guys to be responsible, right?”

While I'm at it, here are a few fills from earlier years that I never posted here. Fandoms: Danganronpa, Final Fantasy VII, The Politician.

Danganronpa, Naegi from the mastermind's perspective. First posted here, in response to the prompt 'Danganronpa, Makoto Naegi, good doesn't mean soft'.

He's not as predictable as some, but that's nothing to worry about. He's such a fragile nothing of a person; he has so much faith in people. The first murder will crush him, assuming he's not the victim. He'll probably just spend the whole game shaking in a corner.

He's no threat to the plan.

Final Fantasy VII, Tifa and Aerith. First posted here, in response to the prompt 'Final Fantasy VII, Tifa/Aerith, color fills our lives'.

It's easy to get worn down in Midgar, Tifa knows. The streets and the slums and the shadows, the ugliness of it all.

But Aerith has started bringing her flowers, and seeing them there on the bar, that splash of warm vivid colour, is a reminder that there's still life in the city.

The Politician, Payton/River. First posted here, in response to the prompt 'The Politician, Payton/River, by the moonlight'.

It's getting hard to remember which moments with River were from when River was still alive, which were just in Payton's head. Payton remembers a kiss in the moonlight; did that happen?

By this point, he's not sure whether it even matters.

I might as well also share a Taskmaster drabble I haven't posted to this journal before:

Taskmaster UK/Taskmaster NZ, Greg Davies and Paul Williams, 100 words. First posted here, in response to the prompt 'a fandom you haven't written before' (I'd never written for the New Zealand version; it counts!).

“You may have noticed I’ve scraped something slightly different off the bottom of my shoe this week,” Greg announces. “I got sick of the sight of Alex’s face, so my New Zealand counterpart has taken him off my hands. But someone has to do the admin, so I’ve borrowed Jeremy’s assistant: it’s Normal-Sized Paul Williams.”

He yanks on the leash, hard. Paul stumbles to his knees on the stage and stays there, head down, heart hammering.

“I think Jeremy’s been slightly too soft on his assistant,” Greg says. “Paul’s going to find out we do things a bit differently here.”

And that's all for now! You should all go over to the current prompt post and leave lots of prompts for my fandoms your fandoms.

the politician, community, fanfiction, final fantasy, lost, uncharted, dangan ronpa, disney animated canon, taskmaster, fanfiction (really this time), death note, final fantasy vii

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