The Theme Is 'Something's Not Right With This Couple'.

Aug 05, 2023 19:54

It's time for a roundup of ficsnippets I've posted here and there!

Silent Hill 2, 100 words, prompt: nonconned by dead spouse. First posted here. Not explicit, but, as the prompt suggests, pretty messed up.

“If you really loved Mary,” Maria says, “you’d stop me.”

He’s bound to the bed. Wrists and ankles, elbows and knees. Ropes around his shoulders, his waist, his thighs. He can’t struggle; he can’t move.

He can’t remember how he got here.

“If you really loved your wife,” Maria whispers into his throat, lovingly vicious, “you’d throw me off.”

“You - you tied me down,” James protests, with what little breath he can grasp.

Maria sits back a little. Looking into his eyes, her head tilted. She’s so, so like Mary.

“Don’t you remember, James?” she asks. “You asked me to.”

Your Turn to Die, Keiji/Sara, 200 words, Sara seeks a distraction. Originally posted on Discord. Not in response to a prompt. I had a vague idea of maybe doing a project where I'd write a ficsnippet whenever I saw a pairing being bashed, but in the end Keiji/Sara was the only one I managed.

“I just need someone to touch me,” Sara says. “I need to think about something else. I just... keep seeing him die, over and over.”

Keiji looks at her for a long moment. “And you’re asking me?”

It feels like a bad idea. But Joe died in front of her, because she exposed him as the Sacrifice. It doesn’t feel like she can make things much worse right now.

Keiji’s taken a step closer.

“I’m asking you,” she says.

“You’re emotionally compromised,” Keiji says. But he’s already unknotting her tie as he says it, unbuttoning her jacket. “I don’t think you’re in a position to make that kind of decision.”

He moves to working on the buttons of her shirt. A token protest; it’s almost funny, how clear it is that he doesn’t intend to turn her down, although Sara doesn’t feel like laughing.

“I don’t think you really care about that,” Sara says.

Keiji smiles, just a little. “I guess I don’t.”

That’s fine. She doesn’t need someone with morals right now. She doesn’t want Keiji to do the right thing; she wants him to fuck her.

The Quarry, 150 words, Laura sees Travis shopping post-game. Originally posted on Discord. Not in response to a prompt, but people on the server were discussing a scenario where Laura and Travis ran into each other at the shops, so I wrote a snippet of it.

Laura's been trying not to think about everything that happened. She'd almost managed to convince herself that it couldn't be real, that it was some kind of months-long fever dream. Werewolves aren't real; people don't regrow eyes. She's not the kind of person who'd shoot someone dead.

Max was kind of an obstacle to her denial: someone else who remembered the same things. If she's honest, maybe that's why she broke up with him.

It's also kind of hard to pretend nothing happened when she sees Travis Hackett at the fucking grocery store.

She walks straight into a shelf when she sees him, knocking bags of macaroni to the floor, which kind of screws up any hope of quietly sneaking away unseen. He looks over at her and goes still, like he's just spotted a werewolf, like he expects her to lunge across the aisle and tear off his head.

They stare at each other for what feels like several thousand years.

The Quarry, 300 words, prompt: Travis has to interact with Laura's family post-canon. Originally posted on Discord. I needed a way to pass the time on a train journey and put out a call for prompts.

Travis drives Laura home. After everything he and his family put her through, it seems like the only decent thing to do.

He's just planning to drop her and leave. But she asks him to come in, and she killed Silas; he owes her a lot more than he can pay. When she puts on those damn puppy-dog eyes, it's hard to remember she's got almost as much blood on her hands as he does.

He's not sure what to expect, not sure what kind of family could turn out someone like Laura. This bold, loyal, sharp-tongued young lady who shot his niece in the head.

But they seem normal, or at least they match up with his idea of what normal might look like. He guesses he wouldn't know.

He stands back for the reunion on the doorstep, the hugging and the crying; it's not the kind of thing he's ever been great with. Mother, father; a younger brother, maybe late teens, who gives Laura a fierce hug and then lets go, looking embarrassed, like it's not something they do that often.

Stupid to wonder how his own family would have reacted, him coming home after two months missing. It never happened; it's a pointless line of thought.

"I'd like you to meet Sheriff Travis Hackett," Laura says at last, turning to wave him over.

"Thank you so, so much for bringing her back to us," her mother says, breathless, and Travis shakes her hand, thinking of his own mother lying on the floor with her face blown off. "What happened? Did you rescue her?"

Travis meets Laura's eyes over her mother's shoulder, a bright spark of panic bursting through him. They didn't think to plan out a story. Or maybe that was Laura's intention; maybe she wanted him here so he could watch her tell everyone what he did to her.

"I wouldn't be here without him," Laura says, holding Travis's gaze.

I just caught myself thinking 'when's the last time I wrote for a pairing that isn't a huge mess?' and then 'wait, Jack/Kate from Lost, not that long ago' and then 'hold on, Jack/Kate is absolutely a huge mess.'

your turn to die, silent hill, fanfiction, lost, fanfiction (really this time), the quarry

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