We Have To Go Back.

May 01, 2023 10:45

I said in my last entry that the start of Lost 'wasn't a bad opening at all' and then found myself thinking that, while the phrasing made sense for the context, it is really understating it. The first ten minutes or so of Lost may be the strongest televisual opening I've ever seen.

Anyway, I rewatched the pilot. Whoops.

And obviously, if you're going to rewatch the pilot, you might as well rewatch the episode after it, because 'Tabula Rasa' is great, and...

Well, here I am, six episodes into Lost. Again.

I don't think I'm going to rewatch the entire thing right away. Maybe the first season, though? I didn't really pin down my feelings about Jack until early in the second season; it might be good to experience the first season again now that I've identified him as the unfortunate love of my life.

It's weird to go straight back to the start from the end; everybody's noticeably younger! I never really registered them ageing, beyond a bit of grey starting to appear at Jack's temples, but skipping back six years really makes it stand out.

Great to rewatch 'Tabula Rasa' now that I've fallen in love with Jack. I love him snarling 'I am not a murderer' at Kate but being cornered into killing someone by the end of the episode. Jack! The compulsive hero who's desperate to save everyone! Forced to kill a person with his own hands!

The show never really fully lays out their story, but I'm still sort of fascinated by the asshole marshal who's devoted himself to destroying Kate's life but is also heavily implied to be in love with her.

I remember thinking 'Tabula Rasa' was a strong episode even before I got attached to the characters; it's even better now. I love characters being attracted to each other but unable to trust each other; I love Sawyer's horror at fucking the kill up; I love that Jack has to finish what Sawyer started and then has to deal with that; I love whatever weird thing Kate and the marshal have going on. Definitely one of my favourite episodes of Lost; maybe my absolute favourite?

I found myself thinking about the ending of Lost during a walk and getting weirdly emotional about it. As with Higurashi and Umineko, something about Lost resonates so strongly with me it's almost painful. Love in the face of everything. Connections, how intense and life-shaping they can be, how they're important even if they can't last, how they can retain that importance even when they're no longer tangibly there. How things could have happened differently, and what that means. People finding each other, perhaps when they're ~lost~ (I had a WHOLE BUNCH OF FEELINGS when it first occurred to me that the title of Lost might not just refer to being stranded on the island). I don't think I can be very articulate about it.

I'm so sorry I'm still flooding your reading page with this show.

when they cry, lost

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