Everything's Going To Make Sense.

Apr 06, 2023 10:01

Up to episode 5.06 of Lost, '316'!

'Because You Left': delighted to report that Jack has shaved! Excellent start to the season.

'Everybody I care about just blew up on your damn boat.' Sawyer, you're breaking my heart!

'The Little Prince': I haven't had much to say about this season so far because I've been so sad that the escapees aren't spending much time together, but now they're interacting more and it's really good to see, even if things are still a bit awkward and tense.

Also: holy shit, Jin survived?

Jack is shocked and outraged to learn that Ben is the one trying to take Aaron, which, given Ben's track record, is sort of hilarious.

Ben: Hi! I'm Benjamin Linus. My hobbies include manipulating people, getting them killed and generally causing problems.
Jack: I'm pretty sure we can trust this guy.

That said, Jack was also a strong voice for trusting Ana Lucia, Juliet and the people from the boat. Maybe he's just a trusting guy!

Except when it comes to anyone he has a romantic interest in, in which case he's a jealous, paranoid mess. I think that stems from his wife's affair, which... seems like a really obvious thing to say. Thanks for enlightening us all, Riona. I am showered with psychology trophies.

What I'm trying to say is that 'jealous and paranoid' was a quality Jack didn't seem to have in his first marriage. When his wife told him he was having an affair, it took him completely by surprise! And then he destroyed himself by obsessing over whether the person she was sleeping with was his father, and now he can't handle relationships at all.

Not that he could really handle his first marriage either. But now he's terrible at relationships in a host of exciting new ways.

Once again, my episode reactions just veer off into overanalysing Jack's character. Something about Jack Shephard really makes me want to pick him apart at the seams. I want to understand everything that makes him such a frustrating person and, if you're me, such a compelling character.

(Possibly if and only if you're me. I don't think Jack is especially popular among readers of this journal! Regrettably, he's exactly my sort of character, i.e. a catastrophe who cares about the people around him but makes terrible decisions because he can't handle his own feelings.)

'This Place Is Death': I'm so sad that Jack's ruined his relationship with all the other survivors! With the possible exception of Hurley. It's hard to destroy a friendship with Hurley.

Charlotte's death is very sad, but Rei happened to be in the room during it, so I had to explain that everyone was dying of too much time travel. It's a lot harder to take that scene seriously when you're trying to put the absolutely ridiculous circumstances into words.

'316': incredibly unsettling, sinister makeout between Jack and Kate after she breaks into his place and he finds her a mess on his bed and she orders him never to ask about Aaron. I'm into it. Best kiss in the entire show. It turns out the key to perfecting Jack/Kate was making it as uncomfortable as possible.

Bless Hurley for buying all the available seats; I was worried about the other passengers! It can't feel good to get on a plane in the knowledge that your presence is probably going to crash it.

It's good to see Frank again! Possibly slightly less good for him to see the others on his plane and realise what's about to happen.

I tend to listen to randomly generated 'here are a bunch of songs you seem to like' YouTube playlists while I'm preparing my Lost episode notes for posting. It seems like Linkin Park's 'Lost' comes on every time. This is probably a sign that I'm supposed to go to the island.

music, lost, linkin park

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