So, Like, The Hatch Blew Off Your Underwear?

Mar 21, 2023 07:30

Up to episode 3.07 of Lost, 'Not in Portland'!

I'm still thinking about 'A Tale of Two Cities'. I can't believe Jack snapped 'I will not let you sleep with my wife' at his father in front of a room full of people, and then it turned out his dad wasn't her boyfriend anyway. Incredible.

They aren't similar characters at first glance, but 'A Tale of Two Cities' really drives home a trait Jack shares with Ellie of The Last of Us (I haven't yet seen the adaptation, so I'm thinking of the games here, particularly Part II): he can't let anything go. He has to know, he has to act, he has to pursue questions until he either finds closure or destroys himself.

In Jack's position as a prisoner of the Others, I think Ellie would have done exactly what he did: refuse food and water at first, eventually accept it just so she has a chance to charge at Juliet and take her hostage, open the door even when warned against it. It's a strange realisation.

I'm a big fan of characters making the wrong decisions on account of feeling too much, so I suppose it makes sense that 'can't let things go' is a trait that crops up multiple times in my favourites.

I'm really annoyed on Kate's behalf that the Others burnt her perfectly sensible clothes and forced her to wear a dress that is not at all practical for the work they're making her do.

'The Cost of Living': it's interesting to see how different factions on the island have created different funeral customs.

Linus, you could have made things so much simpler if you'd just approached Jack at the start and asked for help; he'd have helped you! But no; the first impression you made was abducting Charlie and Claire, and almost killing Charlie. If you want to a) abduct Jack's friends and b) have Jack save your life, the correct order is to ask him to operate on you first and save the abductions for later.

I feel terrible for Jack, being asked to kill him on the operating table; what an awful position to be in!

Jesus, there go three of the four tail survivors who made it to our camp. I don't feel great about Bernard's chances. The tail of the plane has felt doomed from the start in a way 'our' survivors don't.

'I Do': I wonder whether Jack's refusing to attempt the surgery because he sympathises with Juliet but can't handle killing Linus himself. Either route ends up with Linus dead, but, whether it's because it's more honest or because it requires less active involvement in the death, Jack opts for openly refusing to help and letting him die, rather than seemingly trying to help and murdering him.

Locke, you can't go 'everyone's been through too many funerals, let's just quietly bury Eko in the jungle'; that's appalling! Your community's developed a tradition of holding these funerals, they're going to mean something to many of the survivors, and 'let's not hold a funeral in order to keep spirits up' ignores the larger spirit-dampening problem of Eko being dead, unless you're planning to conceal his death, which is also appalling.

Jack and Kate seeing each other at last through the glass wall hit me pretty hard.

I'm still intrigued by the glimpses we get of Kate's dynamic with the marshal who was pursuing her. By the time she calls him after getting married, it feels like they know a lot about each other. She's on first-name terms with him, apparently!

I sort of love that, after Kate broke the lock on Sawyer's cage and Sawyer explained that they couldn't run, they reached the conclusion 'well, as long as we're not separated by the cages, we can at least bang.'

I realise my last three paragraphs have been rocketing wildly between different Kate ships. I'm just shipping everything indiscriminately.

Poor Jack never gets to wake up gradually. I think this is at least the fifth time we've seen him suddenly start awake. It's great for me - we frequently get to see him transition from sleeping, which is cute, to alarm, which is fun - but he's probably less of a fan.

Jack seeing Kate and Sawyer on the cameras is AWKWARD AS HELL and I love it.

I find it interesting that, after Jack sees Kate and Sawyer on the cameras and realises they've slept together, that's when he agrees to perform the surgery. And it's not with the goal of saving Linus or of killing him; it's with the goal of ensuring Kate and Sawyer can escape together.

'Not in Portland': I love the detail that Linus regains consciousness during surgery because Jack's not an anaesthetist.

I also love that Jack asks him whether he's in pain! Jack's holding his life hostage, but he doesn't want him to suffer.

Absolutely magnificent foreshadowing on the bus incident. Ginger happened to be in the room and cracked up laughing.

I was so startled when Nathan Fillion turned up. Is anyone not in this show?

lost, the last of us

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