I Don't Know What You're Capable Of.

Mar 15, 2023 10:07

I'm up to episode 2.18 of Lost, 'Dave'!

'Fire + Water': wow, Charlie, you might be the biggest disaster on the island right now, and that's a hell of a bar.

Locke punched him! Repeatedly! Locke attacked Sayid before, of course, but I think this is the first time we've seen him hit someone in anger.

I really like the way Jack approaches Charlie after everything. It must be hard to know how to speak to the person who set a fire near the camp in order to steal the baby, but Charlie is part of their community and he won't survive alone; they can't just abandon him. So Jack approaches him without judgement, goes 'you need stitches', patches him up and asks him to promise he'll never do anything like this again. I thought it was a good way to handle that interaction and make it clear to Charlie that he's still part of the group.

To be a good doctor, you need to be able to learn intimate details about a person without judging them, or at least without making them feel judged. The exchange with Charlie makes me think that Jack was probably pretty good at that.

I also like that Jack's immediate priority, when faced with an injured possible Other in 'One of Them', is treating him. What matters right now isn't who he is; it's that he's hurt.

I knew Michael Emerson was in this show, but I was somehow unprepared for just how weird it would be to see Jack Shephard and Sayid Jarrah getting up close to Harold Finch. They're lucky that John Reese isn't around; he would absolutely kill all of them to get Finch out of there.

Sayid, torture is not a reliable method of obtaining the truth! The primary function of torture is to be hot, not to secure reliable information.

Loving how hard Jack comes down on the side of not torturing anyone. Holding the button hostage to save Henry was great.

I'm enjoying how ferociously protective Kate is of Claire in 'Maternity Leave'.

'Lockdown': characters who don't trust each other being forced to work together! My favourite thing! Loved the interactions between Henry and Locke.

'Dave': I was about to say 'your plot twists won't work on me, Lost, I immediately pegged Dave as imaginary', but what if the plot twist is that Dave is real and people just aren't passing him the basketball because he's a dick? What if Lost is just trying to make me think he's imaginary? I can't trust anything when it comes to this show.

(Dave was, in fact, imaginary. I'm overthinking things.)

Sayid immediately responding to 'he'll kill me' with 'I'll kill you' is kind of great.

I realise I've expressed my enjoyment of both Jack trying to protect Henry and Sayid threatening Henry in this post. I'm multifaceted.

I am continuing to enjoy Lost, as a longstanding fan of both messy characters and ludicrous bullshit. Which sounds like I'm saying it's a bad show; it's not! It's a very well-made show that just happens to be full of ludicrous bullshit. This is not a weakness.

person of interest, lost

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