How Will I Remember You?

Feb 14, 2023 09:50

I'm two episodes into season five of Person of Interest! The closer I get to the end of this show, the more nervous I become.

Let's get it out of the way: Reese ruthlessly, one-handedly murdering people while carrying the briefcase at the start of season five is pretty hot. It's also hot when he's being strangled and punched in the face on the dock. I'm sorry I'm so wildly into this fictional character and you've had to hear about it for a solid month.

'Did the Machine ask you out on a date?' Nathan asks Finch, and I appreciate his support of my ship.

'I'm useless there. This, I'm good at' slightly broke my heart for Reese. I promise you can do things other than shoot people, Reese! You can also be extremely attractive, and that's an important skill.

They're going to build a home for the Machine out of PS3s? Incredible. I'm sure this can be worked into a crossover premise for PS3 games somehow. Person of Interest/The Last of Us. Person of Interest/Final Fantasy XIII.

Riona: In my show, they needed a supercomputer to house the Machine, and - okay, I swear what I'm about to say is actually literally true, it's not a joke or an exaggeration and it's not sort of what they did, it's exactly what-
Rei: It's okay. You don't have to stall; just tell me.
Riona: They built the supercomputer out of three hundred PS3s.
Rei: Fuck off. You can't just make things up.

(Apparently, building computers out of PS3s is a real thing, and Rei wasn't any happier to learn that.)

Finch unthinkingly calling the Machine 'she' because of Root's influence is adorable.

'SNAFU': Michael Emerson playing Root is absolutely incredible. He's got her body language down so well!

Also enjoyed Root asking Finch to buy her supplies, kissing him on the cheek and slapping him on the arse. Finch is so entertainingly awkward, and Root is great at bringing that aspect of him out.

I constantly forget that Iris exists and am confused to be reminded.

'Directly responsible for deaths and disappearances of 62 persons' inexplicably had me smiling fondly at the screen. I love Reese. I love how much murder he's done. He's perfect.

('That's a lot of murders,' Tem commented, before pausing to contemplate for a moment. 'He should do seven more.')

'SNAFU' is doing some really interesting things with the Machine. I love that it concludes the protagonists are threats - you can't really blame it! - and it's interesting to see how it deals with threats that are directly trying to interact with it. I'm particularly interested by the way it responds to 'we're the good guys' claims by showing them footage that says otherwise. To challenge them, go 'I don't believe you'? To request an explanation? Or because it thinks they need to be convinced that they're bad people?

I like the way this episode challenges the idea that you can go 'okay, these people are good, these people are bad' and draw clear lines between them, too.

Also, everyone having a picnic is extremely goddamn cute.

conversational adventures, person of interest

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