If You're Up To It, That Would Be Extremely Helpful.

Jan 30, 2023 19:37

'I've seen a lot of bits of Person of Interest out of context while you've been watching it,' Rei commented yesterday, 'and every time it's like a completely different show.'

I'm now up to episode 3.20 of Person of Interest, 'Death Benefit'!

Tem: Who's the character Amy Acker plays? Root? Shaw?
Riona: Who's Amy Acker?
Tem: Oh, she's in a season of Angel you haven't seen yet. She's the one who looks like she'd have a major role in a Joss Whedon show.
Riona: Oh! She's definitely Root.

Come to think of it, Root does feel a bit like a Buffy the Vampire Slayer character who's somehow ended up in the wrong show.

Reese, I know you're more a fan of other-preservation than of self-preservation, but charging an attacker out of an upper-floor window is still pretty extreme!

'Most Likely To...': I am loving how much Reese and Shaw hate being undercover at a school reunion. I enjoy the ludicrous quantity of weapons they both have in their suitcases, too. Kindred spirits. Don't tell them I said that; they'd hate it.

This is the second time the show's set up an 'only one bed' scenario and resolved it instantly with 'I'll sleep on the floor', which is frankly a waste of the scenario.

Reese and Shaw's dynamic is a lot of fun. I love how they tease each other; I love the way their relationship seems to sit at a strange, ill-defined point halfway between fondness and open hostility. They're often either on separate tasks or unable to talk much on account of being in a shootout; I'd like to see more of them working together!

'Death Benefit': 'I think the Machine wants us to kill McCourt.' I whispered 'what the fuck!' aloud. What the fuck! This is a wild, fascinating development and I love it, but I was not braced for it at all.

I also love Finch going 'it was never my intention for people to be killed because of the Machine' and Reese pointing out that the Machine marks terrorists, that he and Shaw personally used to kill those terrorists, and that that still very much counts as 'people being killed'. The Machine may ultimately save more lives than it takes, but the deaths of malicious actors are still deaths.

Occasionally I wonder whether I'm starting to drift away from this show, and then it pulls out a cracking episode and drags me straight back in. I sort of liked the simplicity of the early episodes (possibly because the small early cast meant Reese got loads of screentime, and I love Reese an unreasonable amount), but I'm still having a great time!

conversational adventures, person of interest, buffy

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