The Next In Line To Be The Voice Of God.

Jul 19, 2022 12:17

It was my birthday yesterday! And it was far too warm, but I had a great time.

Tem gave me a copy of AI: The Somnium Files: nirvanA Initiative, so we spent some time playing that together. It's absolutely ridiculous. We're enjoying it enormously.

Game character: I've known Date for a long time. We're so close we've seen each other's buttholes.
Tem: What?
Riona: They're so close they've seen each other's buttholes, Tem.
Tem: Riona, I'd say that you and I are quite close.
Tem: However.

And then I went to the theatre!

In late 2019, I saw The Book of Mormon in the West End and loved it. I thought it'd just be fun and mindless, but I got genuinely invested! It was recognisably by the team behind South Park, with all that entails, but it was a lot warmer than I'd expected, I liked the characters (particularly Elder Kevin Price, a flawed but well-meaning teenager who makes terrible decisions and struggles with guilt and increasingly falls apart, i.e. absolute catnip for me), and I thought it had some really interesting ideas about the power of fiction and how things don't have to be real to have value.

I wanted to share it with my mum, so I bought tickets for her upcoming birthday.

This was 2020. Her birthday is in late March.

For obvious reasons, the show was cancelled, and I received a voucher for the value of the tickets. The voucher was due to expire this summer, so I decided I'd take Mum to The Book of Mormon for my birthday instead.

My mum really enjoyed it! She was laughing all the way through. I'm glad; I thought she'd probably have a good time, but The Book of Mormon isn't going to click for everyone, so I couldn't be sure.

Dom Simpson remains absolutely perfect in the role of Elder Price, and I'm so glad I got to see him again. I'm constantly watching Elder Price in any scene, whether he's the focus or not; I probably missed a lot of things going on elsewhere on the stage! But I have no regrets; he was wonderful.

!!! I just checked, and YouTube has a professional video of a Dom Simpson song performance! It was impossible to find any video of him as Elder Price the last time I saw this show! Here it is: 'You and Me (But Mostly Me)'.

I love the hell out of Kevin Price - this earnest little shit, basically good-hearted but deeply self-absorbed - and I think Simpson is absolutely stunning in the role. Getting to see it up close like this, I caught a lot of fun little details about the performance that were hard to spot from the circle, too!

conversational adventures, music, video, the book of mormon, ai: the somnium files, first impressions, riona's slightly scary family

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