Sarcasm Detected.

Mar 09, 2022 15:00

(As a reminder, in case anything should befall Livejournal, you'll find me under the same name on Dreamwidth! I'm not sure anyone primarily reads this blog on Livejournal any more, but you never know.)

To continue my pattern of talking about Nil in every entry I make about this game that, to my knowledge, does not have Nil in it, here's a note I made during my last Horizon Zero Dawn replay:

It's nice to know I can't disappoint Nil. If I take everyone out with perfect stealth, he'll enjoy it. If I screw up and end up in a messy, bloody melee, he'll enjoy it. If I really screw up and get killed in front of him, he'll enjoy that too.

(Another note I made during Zero Dawn: Aloy lies on the bed in Olin's apartment before the final battle and wonders aloud how Sobeck slept in this sort of situation and then asks, 'Sylens? Are you there?' and there needs to be fic where they remotely bang.

Horizon's 'no canonical romance, but pretty much everyone is into you' approach is a lot of fun for an indiscriminate multishipper.)

And now to Horizon Forbidden West! Here's a bit more rambling about 'The Gate of the Vanquished', because for some reason I absolutely cannot stop talking about this one sidequest.

Drakka has started calling me 'Desert Flame', which is pretty cute. I'm glad I didn't kill him. I'm also glad that you get to follow up with your choice of commander; it makes the choice feel a lot more significant!

I spoke to Ginger about 'The Gate of the Vanquished', and it's interesting to hear about how different that quest can feel based on when you started the quest chain leading up to it.

Ginger met Drakka well into the game; Drakka was just another person they had worked with. When the choice came, Ginger backed Yarra, reasoning solely based on who seemed the best fit for commander. In fact, Ginger felt a bit used when they realised Drakka was leveraging the water situation for a power grab.

I ran into Drakka as soon as I entered Tenakth territory. Drakka was the first Tenakth who spoke to and trusted me; he was my first real experience of the fact that the Tenakth were just people like anyone else, rather than the bloodthirsty monsters people outside the Forbidden West painted them as.

In the end, my decision to back Drakka wasn't based on the question 'who is the better commander?'; it was 'do I want to kill my friend?' And he has his faults, but ultimately I trust that he's well-meaning, that he's genuine in his hope to do better for his tribe and genuine in his warmth towards me, because I see him as my friend in a way that Ginger didn't. I drop into town to say hi to him whenever I'm nearby.

It's sort of fascinating that the same events can have such a different impact based solely on when they play out.

I fell off a walkway (in the game, not in real life), and a Tenakth passer-by said, 'Yes. Do that again, outlander.'

Another quote I enjoyed from a passer-by: 'Is there a reason for all this jumping around?'

horizon zero dawn, someone should probably write that

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