Time to talk about the other new-to-me Square game I've been playing!
I loved the original Bravely Default but wasn't such a fan of Bravely Second. I was looking forward to Bravely Default II, but when it came out I was put off by reviews calling it a joyless grindfest.
aestivalis and
lassarina played it, and they were both enthusiastic. Maybe it was worth a try? After all, if I'd only listened to the critics, I'd never have discovered how much I love Final Fantasy XIII.
What I'm saying is that I've started playing Bravely Default II.
I was concerned that the game would be too difficult, but so far (I've just finished the Orpheus fight) it seems to have a satisfying level of challenge. On two occasions I've gone 'er, this is clearly impossible' at the start of a boss battle and then pulled it off by the skin of my teeth.
Seth: I was in a shipwreck, and I... I think I... I think maybe I died?
Riona: All right, Bravely Default II, you have my attention.
I wasn't expecting to like Elvis, but I do; I can't help it. He's just so affable! The sort of person who'll immediately welcome anyone into a conversation and help them feel at ease. Nice to meet you, Elvis, the most Scottish man ever to exist in a world with no Scotland.
I like Gloria a lot, too; she's got a great sense of quiet, steady determination about her. Adelle could be fun but has an extremely distracting voice; I can't work out what her accent is supposed to be.
I really like the idea that we're the second generation of heroes of light, and we get to meet the first, who went on a similar adventure together fifty years ago. I hope the original generation get to reunite and adventure again.
The tiny landscapes are so charming! It feels like being shrunk down and running around a model village.
Sir Sloan is rad as hell and a phenomenally useful companion. I hope he turns out to still be alive somehow.
From Elvis's genuinely touching words at Sir Sloan's grave, it sounds like Lady Emma has passed away as well. I didn't want that sort of reunion!
Seeing Orpheus was a very 'ooh, nice clothes! I'm definitely going to beat you up and take them' moment.
Elvis will sometimes say 'You rang?' when his turn comes around in battle, which seems strange when this does not appear to be a world with telephones. (It has been brought to my attention that this is probably a reference to summoning bells, rather than telephones. Shhh.)