He Only Says It Back In Spanish.

Nov 26, 2020 22:32

I've just watched episode eight of Higurashi Gou, the 2020 Higurashi: When They Cry anime! Spoilers under the cut.

Keiichi telling Rika the story of the 'cats' in episode seven was a very striking scene. In Watanagashi, according to my memory, Rika responded by saying she'd protect him, and she helped him feel a little better, even if she showed a callousness about the fate of people outside her circle of friends that unsettled him. I wasn't expecting Rika's response this time around to be 'whatever, we're all doomed anyway, SHOULD'VE FUCKING WATCHED ME DANCE, KEIICHI,' although of course it makes sense that she'd be more cynical when this scene repeated itself!

Look at Keiichi being terrified! I love Keiichi, and watching him descend into a petrified, guilt-ridden mess is always a pleasure.

Oh, God, no, is Shion(?) going to lock Keiichi in this underground cell with supplies for a month and then just leave and never come back? That's absolutely horrific. (If that isn't how this plays out, I may have to write horrible fanfiction with that concept. Eventually he starts hallucinating his friends in there with him.)

Is this... actually Mion, rather than Shion? We never see Mion lose it in the original, but 'locking Keiichi up to protect him' does seem like a plausible way the madness might manifest in her, if her claim that she's trying to save him is genuine.

There's a point where Keiichi's in the cell, Mion's on the other side of the bars, she turns to look at him, Keiichi's eyes widen slightly and his mouth opens, and my shipping heart headcanons that that's the moment he realises he's in love with Mion, and he's going to be left alone in a cell to think about that.

!!! MION TELLS KEIICHI SHE LOVES HIM okay this is definitely Mion and this episode (indeed, this entire arc) is a treat for the Keiichi/Mion shipper in me. I knew my 'this series isn't exactly the same as the original; maybe Keiichi and Mion could kiss?' dreams were unrealistic, but my hope for some new Keiichi/Mion content has been magnificently fulfilled.

I was not expecting Keiichi to batter himself unconscious against the door, holy shit.

Jesus Christ, Ooishi, you're terrible at breaking bad news. I don't know if there's a good way to tell a kid about the deaths of four of his friends, but that wasn't it!

Oh, God, and now Keiichi has to live with the question of whether Mion a) killed all his other friends, and b) locked him up with the intention of leaving him to starve to death. This poor boy desperately needs a hug.

Of course, rather than writing fanfiction in which he gets a hug, I'm just contemplating this 'Keiichi is left in the cell, watching the supplies slowly dwindle' concept. Sorry, Keiichi. You don't deserve any of this.

I'm really enjoying this series!

when they cry, someone should probably write that

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