I Don't Sleep With Everyone Who's Better Than Hitler.

Mar 23, 2020 11:16

HardNoctLife and her wife recorded a podfic of Life Imitates, my silly Prompto/Noctis Final Fantasy XV fic! I'm honoured and delighted. This absolutely made my day at a time when, much like all of us, I needed some cheering up.

Rei and I resumed our rewatch of House a few months ago. It is, I'll be honest, a slightly odd thing to be watching now that we're in the middle of a global health emergency, but we're still going! And I'm not going to let said global health emergency prevent me from talking non-stop about every work of fiction I consume, so here are some notes I've made here and there, from late season three to early season six.

'House Training'/'Family': Foreman's a really interesting character, and I love it when he tries to atone for killing a patient by essentially torturing a kid to save another's life. (That whole plotline was agonising.)

'Dr House. I've heard your name.'
'Most people have. It's also a noun.'

It's an extremely stupid joke, but it made me laugh aloud.

In 'Last Resort', we get to see House worrying about Thirteen. It's a pleasant change to see House caring about anyone; I'd probably like him more as a character if he had moments like that more often. (I'll be honest: I also slightly wanted House and Thirteen to bang in that episode.)

Kutner: You slept with Foreman?
Thirteen: Sorry. You were busy.

I remember Thirteen being a fairly unpopular character in the fandom, but I always liked her a lot. Her combination of sarcasm, closed-offness and constant desperate denial really works for me.

I feel like, the more the show pushes towards House/Cuddy, the more I ship Wilson and Cuddy. I really liked the scene in 'Big Baby' where Cuddy confided in Wilson about her lack of maternal feelings.

I also like Wilson/Cameron, I'll admit, although Foreman/Cameron remains the OTP. I think I might ship Wilson with every woman in sight. And also with House, naturally.

Wilson and House's relationship is so interesting. It's so crucial for House! It's so bad for Wilson. (That said, Wilson has his screwed-up moments as well. Don't secretly try to gather a sample of your friend's urine, Wilson.)

I really liked how Taub handled the events of 'Simple Explanation', or rather failed to handle them. Just determined not to care until he breaks down. Terrible coping mechanisms! My favourite!

Yesterday we went straight from House to Supernatural, and I found it very hard, in the opening of the episode ('The Prisoner'), to remember it wasn't supposed to be a House opening. No, Riona, you're not expecting someone to dramatically fall ill before the title sequence; you're expecting someone to get killed.

In that particular Supernatural episode, the opening death involved a plastic bag being rammed over someone's head. Had it been a House episode, the team would have spent the entire episode debating what could cause low blood oxygen, and forty minutes later House would have diagnosed him with a plastic bag over his head.

I keep trying to write 'House' and my phone keeps thinking I want to write 'Horse'. Horse, MD would be a great show.

house, fanfiction, supernatural, final fantasy, final fantasy xv

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