I Can't Believe Jesus Called Me A Dick.

Oct 11, 2019 12:29

Someone has done an incredible animatic to 'You and Me (But Mostly Me)' from The Book of Mormon. I love the expressions. I love Elder Price so much. What a magnificent, perfectly earnest little shit. He's so self-obsessed, exhausting himself chasing after God's attention, while simultaneously being absolutely well-meaning; he doesn't wish any harm to anyone.

This musical was so much less cynical than I was expecting it to be.

My favourite bit of character detail in the entire musical, and the moment I fell in love with Elder Price: when God fails to answer his prayer in 'Two by Two', he stands there shellshocked for a few seconds, and then he pastes on a smile and joins in the cheerful dancing that everyone else is doing. He's really trying!

why did I get so invested, this wasn't supposed to happen at all

Also incredible: this animatic for a snippet of 'Spooky Mormon Hell Dream', and this one for 'Turn It Off', which perfectly captures the experience of watching the number. ('Turn It Off' gets pretty dark; warning for grief, domestic abuse and internalised homophobia.)

Musically, Hamilton is still my favourite musical. I listened to the cast recording of Hamilton long before seeing it in the theatre, and that was fantastic on its own; if I'd listened to the cast recording of The Book of Mormon without seeing it, I don't think it would have clicked for me. But, in terms of staging and sheer enjoyment (and unexpectedly catering specifically to my tastes), The Book of Mormon is probably the best musical experience I've had.

There's still a part of me vaguely pondering the possibility of fanfiction, but I don't have any concrete ideas. Religious guilt does seem like a rich vein of suffering I haven't exploited much in my fanfiction, although I did touch on it when writing about Jacob of Life Is Strange 2. But I don't know how well I'd be able to write a character for whom religion is a large part of their life.

It's entirely possible I'm giving this more thought than the writers of the musical did.

There's also a part of me that's slightly concerned parts of fandom will judge me for writing Book of Mormon fanfiction, but, let's be honest, I've written more than enough to be judged for already.

After I posted my entry on the Psych episode 'Extradition: British Columbia', it occurred to me that it's entirely possible this is what happened:

Gus: Hey, this is really romantic! You actually booked this trip for you and your girlfriend, didn't you?
Shawn: ...
Shawn: ...
Shawn: ...
Shawn: Yes.

'High Noon-Ish': I love Shawn and Gus persuading themselves that Lassiter is going to kill them.

To be honest, America's such a strange and mysterious country to me that for a moment I was entirely prepared to believe the Old West place was an actual town, rather than a tourist attraction.

'Bollywood Homicide': Shawn wrote a Valentine's Day card to his teacher when he was a kid! His interest in older women evidently started young.

'Let's Get Hairy': I love that Shawn tells Gus his romantic dreams about men.

Gus is intrigued by femdom. I'm just making characterisation notes.

hamilton, psych, music, on writing, video, the book of mormon

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