We Don't Have Balls.

Oct 07, 2019 14:20

Once upon a time, my brother Fred said to my dad, 'Let's play Bulls and Cows. I'll think of a four-digit number; you throw out guesses; I'll tell you how many numbers in your guess are correct.'

As they played, my dad had the gradual, terrible realisation that the number Fred was thinking of was my dad's PIN.

I feel this is exactly the sort of bullshit Shawn Spencer would pull.

I've now seen the first episode of Psych's fourth season, 'Extradition: British Columbia'.

Gus calls Shawn out on staring at girls. Shawn's response: 'Okay, first of all, the person I'm staring at is a man. He's handsome - dimples, brooding eyebrows - but a man nonetheless.' I love that Shawn's consistently happy to talk about men being attractive, without ever feeling the need to go 'oh, but I'm straight, of course'.

One of my favourite moments in the entirety of Psych so far:

Shawn: The thing is this: I am a psychic. You've seen The Mentalist, right?
Robert: Yes.
Shawn: It's like that.
Gus: Except that guy's a fake.
Shawn: Right. If I was a fake psychic, it would be eerily similar.
Gus: Exactly the same.
Shawn: A virtual carbon copy.

This show is an absolute masterpiece. I love The Mentalist dearly, but that was incredible.

Gus is disconcerted by the fact that Shawn made them a reservation at a romantic restaurant. Shawn's going 'hey, it's fine, don't worry about it, let's just have a nice date.'

This is the second episode in a row where a criminal's tried to play games with Shawn. It's a less murderous criminal this time, at least, but it might have been nice to have Shawn react to the echoes of the Mr Yang case.

Rose petals in their hotel room! I suspect Shawn booked this holiday to go on with his lady friend and then invited Gus when she wasn't available (this is later confirmed), but I'm still delighted that it means their holiday has such a romantic tinge (and that Shawn went 'I'll just do all the romantic stuff with Gus instead' rather than 'let's cancel the intimate restaurant and moonlit carriage ride and do something else').

Shawn, walking alone at night, trying to ease his nerves by talking to raccoons! I still want to work out a way he can interact with Nathan Drake. They share the habit of rambling nervously to themselves in stressful situations!

Juliet: Don't you think it's odd that you're in a relationship now, yet you're inviting me to maybe the most romantic place on Earth?
Shawn: Look, Jules, listen, I made these plans weeks ago. And Gus refused to come, on account he's a man and I'm a man, or some nonsense like that.

Shawn 'Fuck Heteronormativity' Spencer really wasn't what I was expecting when I first started watching this show, but I love it. (Also, I continue to career inevitably towards writing fanfiction about Shawn being in love with everyone. 'Everyone' definitely includes Mr Yang.)

I don't often get really inflexibly rooted in an interpretation of a particular character's sexuality, but I think Shawn Spencer may have joined Shuichi Saihara in my personal 'he's bisexual and I'll fight you if you tell me I'm wrong' corner.

uncharted, dangan ronpa, psych, riona's slightly scary family

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