Tea Is Soothing. I Wish To Be Tense.

Aug 02, 2019 09:07

I've now finished season three of Buffy the Vampire Slayer! Here are some thoughts on the last few episodes of the season:

I think the scene where Willow expresses her intention to stay in Sunnydale and keep fighting alongside Buffy, at the end of 'Choices', might be my favourite of the show so far. That was lovely.

Every time a character is in a scene with Angel, up to and including Joyce Summers, I want them to bang. I don't know why.

Angel's leaving! I'm going to miss him lurking like a big weirdo in the background of half the scenes. I really wasn't expecting him to be one of my favourite characters before I started watching this show, but everything about him is just hilarious to me.

I got slightly tearful at the prom scene where it becomes clear that Buffy's classmates have noticed and appreciate all she's done to protect them.

For a moment, when Buffy was watching the dancing without a date, I thought Giles was going to dance with her. That would have been very sweet and I'm a little sorry it didn't happen.

Faith's an angry disaster, which is one of my favourite character types. (Hank Anderson, Dr Cox, Zuko, Lightning, Yuri Plisetsky, Dean Winchester, Mondo Oowada, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu, Juzo Sakakura, Korra, Chloe Price, Seifer Almasy, Arnold Rimmer: I love every one of these psychological catastrophes.) I love that her reaction to being stabbed is 'well, I'm going to SPITEFULLY FALL ONTO A TRUCK, YOU DON'T GET MY BODY, DEAL WITH THAT.'

Buffy forcing Angel to drink from her was fucked up and I was highly in favour of it. Poor Angel.

I also enjoyed Faith and Buffy interacting in Buffy's head, and Buffy kissing her on the forehead. Their relationship is so strange and intriguing.


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