I Guess I Don't Fit In With Your Mirror Friends.

Jun 25, 2019 10:40

I thoroughly enjoyed writing my Scrubs telepathy fic, but it did, unfortunately, get Erasure's 'A Little Respect' severely stuck in my head. On the plus side, this led me to watch the music video for 'A Little Respect', which, it turns out, is an absolute masterpiece.

It feels so good to be writing Scrubs fanfiction again! I wasn't expecting it to feel this good! There's not much in the way of an active fandom left, and Scrubs was never a big fandom even at its peak, but it's just so much fun to write for.

The show does, I'll admit, occasionally have points that make my worst fanfiction-writing instincts sit up and take notice.

In the episode 'His Story', the janitor traps JD alone in a lift, then climbs in there via the shaft and tries to bind JD's wrists together with duct tape (here's the clip). JD nervously submits. They're only interrupted by the doors opening.

I can't stop thinking about this.

I'm almost certainly not actually going to write horrible fanfiction inspired by that scene (I can't write smut, so my attempts at porn without plot tend to turn out as 'porn without plot without porn', for which I feel there's limited demand), but, to be honest, I did go looking and was slightly disappointed to find it apparently hadn't been written already.

Still sort of tempted by Cox/Elliot. In 'My Journey', Cox goes 'I give your boyfriend two weeks, three if you are just terrific in the sack' and Elliot goes 'well, then it's three' and Cox, intrigued against his will, goes 'oh?'

I always liked Ben a lot. He makes a strong impression, considering that he only appears in three episodes. (I haven't stopped writing fanfiction inspired by his final episode since I first watched it thirteen years ago - I've posted two fics this year that can probably be traced back to it, both written before I started this rewatch - so he definitely made a strong impression on me.)

I've been trying to read some Scrubs fanfiction, but a lot of JD/Cox fic has JD starting to call Dr Cox 'Perry' after they get together, which instantly wrecks my suspension of disbelief. I even struggle with Cox-perspective fanfiction that calls him 'Perry' in the narration. One of my favourite small details in canon is that, when Dr Cox and the woman he's dating are kissing in his apartment, she calls him 'Perry' and he says, 'Actually, I prefer "Dr Cox".'

(He's got the most incredible expression whenever one of his subordinates dares to call him 'Perry' and it cracks me up every time.)

scrubs, music, on writing, video, should never be written ever

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