His Hair, However, Remains Terrible.

Jun 19, 2019 19:55

Rei: I got an email from Netflix today about a new show. 'When everyone else mysteriously vanishes from their wealthy town, the teen residents of West Ham must forge their own society to survive.' Sounds like it might be your jam.
Riona: I was about to say 'if it's not High School Musical: The Musical, I'm not interested,' but actually that does potentially sound my jam.

I've now watched the first series of The Society! The concept's interesting: a bunch of teenagers are stranded in an empty town. Instead of going full-on Lord of the Flies, they try to construct a functional society and then have to try to prevent it from falling apart (how do you decide who makes the decisions? how do you make sure you don't run out of food? how do you deal with crime?). I'm not especially invested in any of the characters, though, so I doubt I'll be writing fanfiction (although I've said 'I'm not going to write fanfiction' about many things in the past and I've almost invariably been wrong).

Out of curiosity, I checked AO3 a few episodes in, to see which characters and pairings were popular, and I was surprised to see that the most-written character was Grizz, the guy with terrible hair who up to that point had contributed nothing but pretentious quoting. He does have some better moments in the latest episodes, though.

There was one character dynamic that caught my interest at points:

(Campbell talks Elle, with whom he's not at the time in a relationship, into masturbating next to him, and she insists he do the same.)
Riona: Oh, hey, I'm into this.
(Campbell turns out to be generically abusive and controlling.)
Riona: Okay, I'm no longer interested in this relationship.
(Elle tries to murder Campbell, accidentally almost killing multiple other people in the process, and he is simultaneously afraid and INTO IT and becomes convinced they're the only people who can understand each other and calls her 'my little poisoner'.)
Riona: ...okay, yes, this has returned to being up my street.

Sadly, it was not especially up Elle's street. I was really hoping they'd end up in a twisted but equal relationship based on mutual fear and fascination and willingness to achieve their goals by murdering the hell out of people.

I haven't done a meme here in a very long time, but for some reason I feel like digging this one up.

Ask any fictional character you think I might be able to manage a question, and I'll reply in-character as them with an answer (or possibly reply as myself going 'WHAT THE HELL, I CAN'T DO THIS'). Feel free to ask either as yourself or as another character.

You may, if you wish, ask multiple questions (and/or multiple characters) or attempt to engage the characters in extended conversation.

audience participation, the society, first impressions

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