Did You Try Looking Inside The Sofa In Hell?

May 22, 2019 08:37

Congratulations to the Netherlands on their Eurovision win! It was a good song, although I'll admit my favourite was Norway's entry, with the couple and the incredible bald third wheel, which I keep dancing along to when there's no one else around.

'Doppelgangland' is a fun Buffy episode. I love Giles, Buffy and Xander grieving over Willow being turned, and then their reaction when they realise she's okay. I went 'aww' aloud when Giles hugged her.

I want to know which of the gang changed Vampire Willow's clothes.

On a whim, I've started rewatching Scrubs, which I haven't seen in at least a decade.

It's always weird to experience a canon when you're younger than the characters and then go back to it when you're older. I'm still not over going from 'Squall Leonhart is cool and grown-up and four years older than me' to 'Squall Leonhart is ONLY SEVENTEEN.' That's been on my mind with Life Is Strange 2, actually; it probably feels very different to people who are younger than Sean and not necessarily going 'oh, my God, this kid is sixteen and trying to raise his nine-year-old brother in the wilderness.'

So now I can look at JD and go 'no wonder this kid's so overwhelmed' rather than 'okay, JD's sort of a mess, but most people in their mid-twenties are adults who have their lives together, right? right???' (Spoiler: nobody's got their lives together.)

I'd completely forgotten that Carla and Elliot didn't get along at first!

JD and Turk's behaviour around women bothers me more nowadays, but I do like that JD, after concluding he's in the friendzone with Elliot, goes 'well, I guess I could do with more friends.'

One of the Ghostfacers from Supernatural is a patient in an early episode! (He does not survive it. Now he's a ghost, and he can face himself.)

Jordan responding to JD's attempt to assert himself with 'okay, well, now we're going to bang' and then turning out to be Cox's ex-wife is considerably more up my street now than it was when I first watched Scrubs.

Jordan: Even though you're terrified the good Dr Cox'll find out, if I wanted you to go to his apartment right now and have sex with me in front of him, you would.
JD: Please don't do that.

Look at this perfect fic concept that completely escaped my notice when I was seventeen!

I haven't reached 'My Screw Up' yet (I'm still early in the first season), but that episode was very formative for me. I played Silent Hill 2 when I was sixteen, I watched 'My Screw Up' when I was seventeen, and that was it; I'd been defined as a person. I've been writing about characters being guilt-ridden and delusional ever since.

While I'm talking about assorted television: I've now actually watched the final episode of Community at last! I watched up to the penultimate episode a few years ago and then just... never watched the finale, perhaps because then there would be no more Community, which is clearly an unacceptable state of affairs.

I wasn't that into seasons five or six, so I wasn't sure whether I'd actually enjoy the finale, but I liked it a lot! I think it was a good way to close out the show (and it had a nice scene for my inappropriate OTP, which I wasn't expecting!). Jeff and his fear of abandonment absolutely broke my heart.

community, eurovision, silent hill, supernatural, final fantasy, music, buffy, fandom nostalgia, scrubs, final fantasy viii, life is strange, someone should probably write that

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